Texts & Disagreements

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Lana: I just wanted to reach out and apologize for yesterday. I wasn't trying to overstep I just didn't realize you were actually serious about her...

Me: Apologize to my girlfriend instead and delete my number

Lana: You really want me to do that?
Lana: Mili you can't be fr?

It wasn't a big deal.

Even I knew that.

Mili didn't do anything wrong—except not tell me the moment this happened.

She had texted her back earlier today, so she had plenty of time to tell me.

Even if she didn't call me, she could've told me when she got to Mya and I's apartment.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I whispered as I looked up from her phone to meet her dark eyes.

She looked completely neutral, I couldn't exactly get a read on what she was thinking.

"I was planning to tell you after our date—I didn't exactly want to ruin tonight after I had planned it to take your mind off of all this," Mili briefly explained.

And I couldn't help but sigh, deeming her explanation as valid, but also hating that it spiraled into this.

If she had told me from the start, I wouldn't have even cared about Lana's recent message.

But that's the thing—I cared about the message.

I assumed and it practically tore me back down to square one.

Or maybe it already did tear me down to square one.

I mean, with the way Mili is looking at me right now—I feel like I'm there.

"I wish you would've told me," I suddenly whispered.

Mili nodded, "Me too," she said, and her tone sounded completely truthful.

Like she genuinely wished she hadn't decided to wait for my sake.

I pursed my lips slightly as I analyzed her neutral face—and I couldn't even stop myself from asking, "Are you mad?"

Mili almost automatically shook her head, "Of course not," she said, suddenly sighing to herself as she crossed her arms over her chest, "I'm just trying to figure out the best way to get through this," she admitted.

I tilted my head, "Through what?"

Mili leaned back against the black bricked wall, "Just this no trust stage—you have a good reason to feel this way because of my past... I just don't know how to make you feel more secure," she explained.

I couldn't help but frown at her words—especially with the troubled look coating her face.

She looked like she was genuinely thinking of a way to help me.

But suddenly I seemed to realize that she couldn't.

She couldn't make me feel more secure when I, myself, feel insecure.

I mean, Mili hasn't actually given me a reason to feel this way.

Yeah, she has a past with a lot of women, but presently she hasn't actually done anything.

The only encounter I can think of is when she brought Alyssa to that movie, but I was with Cam at the time, so it feels unfair to count that.

Other than that she has made it clear that she's only about me.

Even when she seemed to bring Alyssa to that one party—I had also gone with Cam, and even still Mili and I ended up together by the end of the night.

Mili has consistently said how much she wanted me from day one.

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