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I go back down to my room and there's a few different outfit options on the bed. "Okay we both think this one. It's not a dress like you said you wanted, but we think it looks good. Go try it on." Ale says as he hands me a top and a skirt.

(I really hate putting pictures in my story unless I need to but this is the outfit😭)

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(I really hate putting pictures in my story unless I need to but this is the outfit😭)

I walk out of the closet as I fix my sleeve and they all stare at me. "Wow. You never dress this nice it's actually crazy to see." Gavi jokes as I look at myself in the mirror.

"Holy shit. Fashion consultants killing it again. You guys need to help me more often." I say as I turn to look at them.

"Yeah you really need it." Gavi scoffs as I give him a look.

"Why are you still in here? You didn't help." I say as he shrugs, before he lays down, pulling the blanket over himself.

"Our work here is done." Ansu says as he nods briefly before walking out of the room.

"Wear either pair of those shoes, they'll look best." He says as he point to two pair of heels and I nod.

"Thank you." I whisper as he smiles before leaving the room. "So are you like staying in here or something?" I ask Gavi as his eyes are closed.

"I'll probably sleep here tonight. You have a better bed." He mumbles as he rolls over so he's facing my direction as I sit in front of my mirror, plugging in my straightener.

"Fine I'll go sleep with someone else." I mumble as I look at him through the mirror and he furrows his eyebrows.

"Oh?" He says as I clear my throat.

"You know what I meant."

"Mmhmm." He hums as I spray my hair with heat protectant. "Why are you even going to dinner so late? What kind of idiot makes you wait until like 9 to eat?" He asks.

Oh only if he knew he was talking about his best friend.

"He was busy I guess, not really sure. But you're so right. What an idiot." I say with a smile as he nods his head.

"Would I like this mystery man?"

"I think you would, yeah."

"I bet I wouldn't." He retorts.

I Shake my head as I begin straightening my hair. "Trust me G, you'd like him."

"Boring. I want to hate this guy."


"Because life is boring. I want to have personal beef with someone. And who better than your mystery man?" He jokes as I give him a look through the mirror.

"Right." I mumble as my phone buzzes.

How long until you think you're ready? I'm getting a bit hungry if that's okay

I just have to finish my hair, so probably like 10-15?

No rush though

No it's okay, I'm literally almost done

Okay okay, I have my outfit picked so whenever you call I can go upstairs and change quick

Got it
Wait don't you have reservations, can we show up early?

Not going to lie I had them for 8:30 because I expected this to happen

You sly guy

Okay I'll let you get ready, I'll see you soon


Wah wah👶🏼

I smile as I put my phone down and I pick up the straightener again as I look in the mirror and Gavi is staring at me. "Mystery man?" He questions.

"Maybe." I say as he narrows his eyes at me.

"Pedri." He says as I feel my heart rate spike.

"What?" I question.

"Pedri just came downstairs. I could hear him coming down the stairs, so therefore I'm leaving you for Pedri. Bye." He says as he quickly gets out of my bed, leaving the room as I release a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

What a heart attack.

After about 10 minutes I finish my hair and I stand up, putting on a pair of nude heels that ale picked for me and I look at myself in the mirror, putting on a little lip gloss before I grab a hand bag.

I don't know why going on a date with one of my best friends feels so weird. Like we've dated in the past, but something about this feels different, and I'm not sure what it is.

I take a deep breath as I open my door and I walk down the hallway to the living room and they're all watching a movie. Jude pauses it as he hears me coming and they all look at me. "Where are you going?" Jude asks as he crosses his arms.

"I'm going on a date." I reply simply as Pablo laughs.

"Oh really? Have fun." Pedri says as I look at him and he's looking at me up and down.

"Why did you laugh?" I ask as I point at Pablo.

"Wait you're serious? You're going on a date?" He asks as I nod my head. "I didn't really expect that but I hope you have fun." He says as I shake my head as I begin laughing.

I go to the door and I grab Pedri's keys quickly before I open the door. "I'll see you guys later." I say as they all wave to me before I close the door.

I pull out my phone and begin calling Pedri as I unlock his car, starting it, and then going to the passenger side. "Hey mom." He says as he answers.

"Hurry up I'm hungry."

"You want to go to dinner? Yeah I ate before the match but I worked up an appetite, give me a few minutes and I'll head out." He says as I try my hardest to not laugh.

"Come on."

"Okay love you, see you soon." He says before he hangs up the phone and I hook up my phone to Bluetooth as I wait for him to come out.

About 2 minutes pass and I see him come out of the house, speed walking over to the car as he opens the door. When he opens the door I can see his outfit and I feel my heart rate spike again. He looks good, I'll give him that.

"Here you go." He says as he hands me my keys and I put them in my purse.

"Was anyone suspicious?" I ask as he buckles before he leaves the driveway.

"Nope. We're pretty good at this." He shrugs as he flips on the blinker and I smile. "May as well do it again at this point."

"Slow your roll buddy. Let's actually go on the date first. For all I know, this is going to be really awkward and we will come to the same conclusion that being friends is better." I say as I cross my arms and he scoffs.

"That won't happen."

the pyramid // pedri Where stories live. Discover now