twenty seven

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"Tate, I have a question." Gavi says as I'm getting out of the car and I raise my eyebrows.

"It hasn't even been 5 seconds and you're already asking questions." I say as he smiles before going on his phone. As we're walking in the restaurant he's still on his phone and I clear my throat, "what's the question?"

"Oh, nothing." He says as he drifts to the left so he's at the end of the group of us walking in and I make a face as Pedri comes over to where Gavi was just standing.

"Is he okay?" I ask with a laugh as he shrugs.

"Is he ever?" He asks as I nod.

"Okay fair. Also why are you like so obsessed with me?" I whisper as he puts his hands in his pockets before shrugging.

"Well, that's just how things ended up happening, I can't control that." He says as we begin walking to the table. We're at the back of the group and he puts his hand on my back as he's guiding me and I look at him briefly as he smiles. "Maybe I am obsessed with you, I see no problem with that." He adds as a whisper as I go to one of the empty seats, sitting in between Ale and Jude.

Gavi is sitting across from me and he immediately grabs the drink menu and Pedri grabs it from him. "Absolutely not." Pedri mumbles as Gavi scoffs.

"Rude actually." Gavi says as he opens up the real menu and Pablo reaches over grabbing it from Pedri.

"Put it down." Jude says as he grabs it from Pablo and he crosses his arms.

"Why thank you." I say as I grab it from Jude and I open it up.

"Get a drink and give me some." Gavi says as he taps me with his menu.

"Absolutely not. Too young."

"I'm 18." He frowns as I nod.

"I know, but it's still a no." I smile as he rolls his eyes before slouching down in his chair as Pedri pats his back.

"I'm not irresponsible." He counters as I laugh.

"Right, as if you didn't break the couch from jumping on it with Pablo." I say as I can see Jude give me a side eye before I smack his leg. "Immature." I mumble to Jude as he shrugs before laughing.

Jude and I then begin having a small side conversation and I look at Pedri quickly and his eyes are locked on the two of us. He then leans over and whispers something to Gavi as we're holding eye contact and then Gavi looks at the two of us. Jude stops talking as he notices them staring and I clear my throat, "as fun as staring at each other is, maybe we should actually like talk, no?" I question as Pedri shakes his head.

"Sorry, I'd rather do anything but that." Pedri says as Gavi nods, lightly hitting his arm.

"True." Gavi agrees with Pedri as I blow out a breath.

"Yeah, this will definitely be a fun night."


Dinner ended up being pretty good, Gavi and Pedri were just basically trolling the whole night with stuff they were saying and how they were acting, but thats expected of them at this point.

The guys all went to their rooms and Pedri went upstairs to change before he came back down to my room. "Hey." He says as he comes in my bathroom as I'm washing my face.

"Hey." I reply simply as I'm looking at myself in the mirror and he leans against the doorframe as he looks at me.

"You know, you're really pretty." He says as he comes over, standing next to me as I roll my eyes.

"Oh, I know." I say as he makes a face.

"That's just something you'd say since you're so cocky, wanted to give it a shot for once." I shrug as he snickers.

"Right." He says as I nod.

"It's true."

"Oh, I believe you. I wouldn't say cocky though, I'd just say confident." He smiles as I finish drying my face and I turn around as I move so im leaning against the counter.

"Confident, yep." I say as he comes and stands in front of me as I fix his hair. "Did you like your hair like this?" I question.

"It feels nice and soft, so yes, and it was essentially just you playing with my hair as you did it, so a double yes." He says as he looks at my lips.

"Mmm, yeah?" I hum as I put my hands in his hoodie pocket, pulling him closer to me.

"Yes." He says as he puts his hands on either side of me as he gives me a quick peck.

"That's it?" I mumble, referring to the kiss and he shrugs before I put my hands against the counter and he lifts me up so I'm sitting on the counter and he stands in between my legs.

He puts his hand on my jaw as he kisses me again and I go under his sweatshirt, running my hands up his back as he puts his free hand on my thigh, squeezing lightly.

He pulls me forward a little bit so I'm against him and I wrap my arms around his neck as he deepens the kiss and I smile. He pulls away for a second as he pulls off his sweatshirt before I pull him back to me and he kisses my jaw, traveling down to my neck as I let out a sigh.

I was still wearing what I wore to dinner so his hand traveled to my back before unzipping my top and I quickly took it off as he leaned down, kissing my collar bone and lower neck. "Yeah, this is why I'm obsessed with you." He mumbles against my neck as I smile, waiting for him to come back to my lips.

After he peppers kisses along my neck he finally meets my lips again and I pull him closer as I untie the strings on his sweatpants. "Hey Tate, I think I forgot-" Gavi says as he stops in the doorway of the bathroom, mouth wide open. "Oh my god."

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