twenty five

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I looked in my closet and ended up wearing something similar to what I wore for the date except it was a black top and a red skirt. I quickly changed and did some light makeup before leaving my hair to continue air drying as I grab a pair of shoes and I bring them by the front door before I go upstairs to Pedri's room. "It's tate." I say as I open the door.

I close it again as I sit on the bed and I look into his closet where he's trying on different clothes. "So does Gavi actually know about anything between us or no?" I ask as I look at him and he shakes his head.

"Nope. I told him I put clothes in your basket and that he should find it. And then he talked to you about it, making you give me the clothes and that's why I called you back in here. Because he was going to take us to our next step of the plan where we went down to his room. He knew you'd be up here, I didn't know we'd be making out, that just kind of happened, but he knows nothing." He says as I look at him as I'm finally piecing it all together.

"You're disgustingly smart." I say as he smiles. "So the only one who knows something is Jude, but I think he's forgotten all about it at this point." I add as he nods.

"We're in the clear. No one knows anything." He smiles as I stand up. "Hey, where are you going?" He pouts as I look at the door.

"I need to finish getting ready."

"You're ready."

"No I'm not, I need to finish drying my hair because it hasn't dried yet." I say as I give him a weird look. "How long did your shower take?" I question, changing the subject.

"Like 5 minutes, why?"

"5 minutes? Dude I wish." I mumble as I sit back down on the bed and he runs his fingers through his damp hair. "You should blow dry your hair, it'll be all fluffy." I say as he comes up to me and he shrugs.

"Sure." He says simply as I smile and he follows me down to my room. I plug it in and I sit on the counter as he stands in between my legs and I grab my bottle of oil and I put some in my hand. "What is that?" He questions as he grabs my wrist as I'm about to put it in his hair.

"It's oil. It makes your hair healthier because it locks in moisture." I say as I begin running my hands through his hair as he leans his head forward. "Smells good too."

I then pick up the hair dryer and I turn it on. "That's a bit loud, no?" He yells as I begin laughing.

I take a brush as I go through his hair, beginning to dry it. As I was drying his hair one of his hands was on my thighs and he was tracing small shapes with his thumb as I was trying to stay focused.

After it was on hot for a little bit I switch it to cool and I brush through his hair again as it's almost fully dried. I finish drying it on the cool setting and I unplug it as he looks at himself in the mirror. "Just looks like hair but fluffy." He says as I nod.

"Yeah, it's not going to change anything about your hair besides making it dry." I say as he nods slowly.

"Right." He says as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"Tatum!" Gavi yells as he walks in my room and he comes in the bathroom looking in my mirror.

"What's up G?" I ask as I look at him and he shrugs.

"Nothing, I heard you both in here and I wanted to join." He says as he looks at Pedri. "What did you do to his hair." He asks as I smile.

"She dried it and put oil in it." Pedri says as Gavi nods.

"Do it to me." He says as I laugh, plugging it back in. I quickly feel his hair to make sure it's damp and I put some oil in my hand before running it through his hair.

I do the same process with drying all over again with Gavi and we were all talking, or trying to, over the sound of the hair dryer. About half way through Pedri came and sat next to me on the counter and Gavi was standing between my legs as I was drying his hair.

Once I'm done he looks at himself in the mirror and he pushes down on his hair. "So much fluff." He says in awe as I laugh and Pedri reaches behind me so he can ruffle the top of Gavi's head. "Quit it, my hair just got done." He adds as he smacks at Pedri's hands and Pedri gets off of the counter, smacking Gavi's arm before running out of my room.

That makes Gavi immediately chase Pedri and I unplug it one more time, cleaning up my bathroom quickly before I leave my room. I go out to the living room and Pedri is sitting on Gavi, holding a pillow up to his face as Gavi is smacking his arms.

Oh what fun that is.

"Hey, let's not suffocate anyone today, yeah?" I question as I go up to them, grabbing the pillow as Pedri frowns.

"Rude." He mumbles as Gavi takes a deep breath.

"Thanks." Gavi says with a thumbs up as I toss the pillow back on the couch and he immediately picks it up, hitting Pedri with it.

They really are brothers. I can't even stop them if I wanted to, this is just how they are. "Tate, tell him to stop." Pedri yells as he covers his head.

"Sorry, I'm not involved." I say as I go into the kitchen, sitting on one of the stools. After a few more minutes everyone else comes downstairs and I put on my shoes before we split up into cars.

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