fifty nine

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FIRST OFF, this chapter will seem chaotic, it will switch povs here and there, but starting with Tate of course. also don't be mad at me for it, it's for the plot, SO DEAL WITH IT😗

"They're doing good right now." I say as I cross my arms, looking at the scoreboard reading 2-0.

"Mhmm." Isabelle hums as she sits up in her seat a little bit more, looking down at the field. I glance at my phone quickly and as I'm reading a text I swear the stadium goes silent besides gasping. "Tate." Isabelle whispers.

"One second." I mumble as I text my mom back.

"Tate." Lani says this time as she taps my arm.

"What?" I question as I look at her and she nudges her head down at the field. I stand up so I can see what's happening since everyone else is standing and Pedri is facedown on the ground, holding his back. Gavi squatting down next to him, checking if he's okay. "What just happened?" I ask as I look at them.

"Nasty tackle." Isabelle says as the player who tackled Pedri, goes over to him, pulling his jersey so that he'll stand up. "Oh god." Isabelle says as Gavi immediately pushes him back from Pedri.

"This isn't going to end well." Lani mumbles as I'm just staring at Pedri, still laying on the ground before he sits up slowly, Ale taking his hand as he helps him stand up. He leans forward as he places his hands on his legs, taking a few deep breaths before I look back at Gavi and the other player.

Escalated quickly, which doesn't surprise me. Gavi and the player from Getafe are being pulled away from one another but Gavi pulls out of Lewy's grip, going over and hitting him. "Oh fuck." Isabelle says as she sighs, sitting back down. "I can't even watch this. Let me know when the red is out."

"The red is out." Indi says immediately as Isabelle nods.

"Yep, knew it." She mumbles.

"The Getafe player got one too, probably for the tackle." Lani says as she looks at Isabelle briefly.

"At least they both have 10 now." She shrugs as I divert my attention back to Pedri and he's on the sideline, his jersey pulled up, cleat marks going up and down his back.

They spray something on it before he goes back on the pitch, as Isabelle clears her throat. "I'll be back, I need to go see Gavi." She says as she excuses herself and Indi and Lani exchange looks.

"Can she even do that?" Indi asks as I nod, waving the vip pass.

"Yes ma'am." I say as she nods.


Isabelle's pov

I make my way down to the locker room and I can immediately hear Gavi yelling inside. I take a deep breath before I knock on the door, opening it slowly as he looks at me. "I don't know what got into me." He says as I nod, going over and giving him a hug.

"It's okay, you're fine." I say as he relaxes into the hug. "It happens sometimes, even if anyone gets mad at you, you did what you thought was appropriate. That's admirable. Maybe not the whole hitting him part, but it's okay." I chuckle as I rub his back.

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