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He turns around as he puts his hands in his pockets, "You're stuck in my head all of a sudden and it's really fucking annoying actually." I say as he smiles slightly.

"So you do think about me." He shrugs as I roll my eyes.

"Of course I think about you. You'd be an idiot if you thought I didn't, but you aren't an idiot and that's also annoying." I say as he laughs.

"You're going to drive yourself crazy. I can tell your thoughts are running through your brain a mile a minute." He says as I sit down on the bench crossing my arms.

"You're running through my brain a mile a minute." I mumble as he stands in front of me

"Maybe we should talk when we get back home? It's probably looking a little bit suspicious now at this point." He suggests as he reaches his hands out and I take them as he pulls me up. "You're a mess, but it's cute." He whispers as he puts his hand on my back, leading us back to the table.

Gavi looks at me as I sit back down and I hold my hand up. "Don't even try to start." I mumble before he can say anything. He was probably going to make some dumb joke and at this point in time, I don't think I can handle that.

All I can think about is going back home and having to talk with Pedri. I don't even know what I'm going to say, and that's probably stressing me out more.

To be fair though I already did say a lot for also saying pretty much nothing at all to him. That definitely counts for something.

I begin bouncing my leg up and down as I stare at the silverware as we're waiting for the check and Jude wraps his arm around me, giving me a side hug. "Whatever is going on, you're okay." He whispers as I wrap one of my arms around him and I put my head against him.

"Thank you." I say quietly as he nods slightly before giving me a quick kiss on the top of my head.

"Card roulette." Pedri says as everyone hands their cards to me and I shuffle them under the table and I grab one laying it flat against the table.

"Shit." Pablo mumbles as we all begin laughing.

"Thanks buddy for dinner." Ale says as he pats Pablo's back and he slides down a little bit in his seat before crossing his arms.

"You know we could always just split the bill." I suggest as they shake their heads no.

"There's no fun in that, we all end up paying at some point so it's just a fun game." Ansu says as I shrug.

Jude still has an arm wrapped around me as Gavi looks at us and he scoots closer to me, giving me a side hug on the other side. "Oh, hi buddy." I say as I wrap my arm around him.

"Who knew Tate could pull?" Pablo says.

"Pulls more than you." Ale coughs as Pablo gives him a look.

"That was just uncalled for actually." Pablo sighs as we wait for the waiter to come back with his card.

"That comment alone is probably going to put you on bottom this week." Pedri says as I nod.

"He has a point. You're on thin ice." I say as I lean forward so I can see Pablo and he narrows his eyes at me.

"I'm out of here." He says as he takes his card and he immediately stands up, walking outside.

"Who's going to break the news that he still has to wait for us?" Jude laughs as I shrug, seconds later he walks back through the front doors and he crosses his arms.

"It's a bit chilly outside."

"Mmhmm." Jude hums as he walks past him and we all walk outside, breaking up into separate cars again.

"Pedri can you drive? I really don't want to right now." I say as I hold out my keys and he nods.

"Of course." He says as I toss him my keys and I get in the back as Gavi obviously sits in the passenger seat.

I stare out the window as I feel my phone buzz and I look down at it and it's Jude.

Are you okay?

I don't like you being nice to me

Answer the question dumbass

Honestly, I've been better

Do you want to talk about it at all?

I'm just stressed over nothing

Is this about your date?😏


Did you realize you actually like him?


Just be honest with him
If he doesn't forgive you he'd be a big dummy

It's kind of wrong though
Dating this guy


You don't get that much information out of me

Hypothetically what makes it wrong😁

Hypothetically I've known this guy for a long time and all of a sudden I can't get him out of my head

Hypothetically you're totally screwed
And hypothetically it better not be someone in our group or you are fucked

Ew I wouldn't date any of you
That made me gag🏃‍♂️

Hypothetically just be honest with this guy

Hypothetically thank you

Not quite how you use hypothetically but you're welcome🦖

the pyramid // pedri Where stories live. Discover now