sixty nine

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Toilet paper
We're all going out to dinner tonight

Silver hammy
Now why would we do that

Iniesta 2.0

Shit mom
Because he's the birthday boy you stick

10 flop
Happy birthday 😍

I already said it, but happy birthday 😩

Shit mom
I gave you your present already, but
happy birthday 🧍‍♂️

Silver hammy
I'll give you a kiss for a present later 😏
But happy birthday big boy 😘

Xavi's baby boy
Happy birthday name stealer 🏃‍♂️

Toilet paper
Was literally born before you

Iniesta 2.0
Happy birthday sexy 😵‍💫

Shit mom
Now hold on

Toilet paper
Wow I've never felt so much love
Convinced you all hate me half the time😍

Silver hammy
I mean

Iniesta 2.0
No no no no
Cant be mean to birthday boy

Silver hammy
Right right, sorry baby boy

Shit mom
Am I interrupting?

Silver hammy

Shit mom

Iniesta 2.0
Tate over me? I'm offended.

Silver hammy
Tate get outta the gutter, like ew
You can join too😏

Xavi's baby boy
What are we joining?

They're hugging rn, go join the hug

10 flop
Group hug

Shit mom

Toilet paper
Anyways Gavi you can bring Isabelle if you choose

Shit mom
Sorry she's my plus one not Gavi's

Toilet paper
Pedri I guess you can bring tate

Iniesta 2.0
Ugh I guess I can

Shit mom
The fuck

Toilet paper
Ale if you want to bring Indi you can, I don't
know if she wants to see you though

Yeahhhhh, I don't know if I will, things have been awkward because we haven't talked about it yet

Silver hammy
Can I bring someone?

Toilet paper
Yeah that's fine

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