ninety nine

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"Tate where are you even going?" Jude asks as I walk out of the hotel.

"To try to find him." I say as I turn around, looking at all of them.

"You should put on some shoes maybe." Gavi calls out as I begin going down the path, looking through windows of buildings to see if I can see him anywhere.

I call him again as I begin walking down the beach, looking at different groups of people, as I shake my head, putting my phone in my pocket. I turn around and begin walking back towards the hotel as my breathing becomes irregular, and I take out my phone, texting him this time.

I just need to know if he's okay, that's all I care about.

I feel my eyes sting with tears as I try to take deep breaths before I sit in the sand, bringing my knees up to my chest. Moments later I can't breathe, and I'm sobbing, trying to regain composure as Isabelle calls out my name. "Tate, oh my god." She says as she comes up to me, sitting down next to me as she begins rubbing my back. "Just breathe. You're okay."

"What if he's not okay?" I say in between sobs as she shakes her head slightly.

"There's got to be an explanation. It's okay." She whispers as she wipes my cheek. "Just breath Tate, focus on that." I take deep breaths as she begins nodding, "good job, just keep doing that."

I feel my phone buzz as I quickly look down at it, a group text sent to Gavi and I from Xavi. I immediately put it back in my pocket, not bothering to read it as Isabelle takes my hand, helping me up. "Where are we going?" I question as she wraps her arm around mine, her thumb rubbing my arm gently.

"Back to our room. You need to get ready and then we need to get you some breakfast." She whispers as I lean my head back.

"We need to find him though." I mumble.

"Everyone else is out looking right now, you need to eat something though." She says as we go over to the elevator, waiting for it.

When we get back to our room I go over to my suitcase as she goes back out to the main area, leaving me to get ready. I change quickly and sit on the bed as I begin bouncing my leg up and down, staring at the floor. "Is she in there?" I hear Gavi say from the other side of the door, and seconds later he knocks softly. "Tate?"

"What?" I mumble as he opens the door slowly.

"Did you have a panic attack?" He asks quietly as he sits next to me, and Isabelle comes in, sitting on the other side of me.

"I can't even think about what time he left. I don't remember him getting up at all." I say as I look at him and he shakes his head.

"We think he left the resort last night." He says as I furrow my eyebrows.

"What?" I question.

"He got in a fight with both of us, right? So I was talking with the other guys and they said a shop owner said they saw him get in a taxi last night. Probably to the airport." He elaborates as I feel my eyes water again.

"Why would he just leave?" I ask as he shrugs.

"Because I was calling him out for everything, and he probably thought you were mad at him too." He says as Isabelle rubs my back.

"It's okay. His phone is probably dead or something, he'll get back to us soon." She says as I lay back on the bed, covering my face with my hands.

"No, no, come on." Gavi says as he stands up, grabbing my hands and pulling me up. "You need to go eat breakfast, and then we're going to the town nearby and walking around and looking at shops." He adds as I groan.

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