sixty seven

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"Tate, it's 7, are you okay to do pyramid?" Pedri asks as I roll over, squinting as I look at him.

"Yeah, I don't have much of a headache anymore, im okay." I say as he takes my hand, helping me get up as I grab my computer.

"I made you tea, and then there's also some juice, ginger ale, and some Gatorade too. I made sure to get like different options so you could pick what you wanted to drink." He says quietly as I give him a hug.

"Thank you." I mumble against his chest as he kisses the top of my head.  

"Of course, wouldn't want you to get dehydrated." He jokes as I smile, pulling away from the hug. "Have you eaten today?"

"No, I basically slept all day."

"I can make some soup after the pyramid." He whispers as we walk out to the living room.

I hookup my computer to the tv and Pedri hands me a mug and I take a sip as the other guys sit down. "How do you feel mom?" Pablo asks as I draw my lips together.

"Better at least, but yeah." I say as I nod my head, clicking it. "Pedri you're on the bottom. You're still on probation, it's probably going to take awhile to get off of it, so be on your best behavior."

"What do I have to do for you, with you, or to you to get off probation?" He asks as Jude bursts out laughing.

"Yeah see, that's why you're on probation." I mumble as he crosses his arms.

"Just putting it out there." He says quietly as I shake my head.

"Judy, you're next. You still make everything sexual, so you stop that, besides that you're fine I guess, you're just gross with anything anyone says. Also spotted with a random girl so that's cool too." I say as I click it, not giving him a chance to reply. "Gavi you're fourth."

"Hold up, why does it matter if I was? It's not like Lani and I are dating." He questions as I take a deep breath.

I can't say it.

"Because it's obvious you guys hangout, that's why you've been acting weird and keep disappearing at night." Ale chimes in as I nod.

"That's why things have been so weird between us, you're cheating." Pablo says as Jude pats his leg.

"Sorry buddy, you don't deserve that." Jude says quietly as Pablo holds his hand up.

"So why am I fourth? That is outrageous." Gavi says as he stands up, putting his hands on his hips.

"When we were at the store yesterday, people kept stopping you asking for pictures, and I wanted to go home because I wasn't feeling good, so that's why." I say as I give him a look.

"So because I'm well known? That's a compliment, not my fault people want to meet me." He shrugs as Pedri pulls his arm so he's sitting down.

"Pablo you're next, no criticism for you, you're great." I say as he nods.

"I was trying to go for 3 in a row, but that's okay, I'll take it." He says as he points at me.

"Ale you're next." I say as Gavi scoffs.

I cross my arms as I look at him, "that's a pity second place because he got broken up with." Gavi mumbles as I shake my head.

"I didn't get broken up with." Ale whispers.

"No he's second because he doesn't act up and make things weird, like some of you." I say as I give a look to Jude and Gavi. "Wait, you got broken up with?" I question, going back to what Gavi said.

the pyramid // pedri Where stories live. Discover now