eighty one

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"Pedri, people will be here any minute, are you ready?" I question as I go in our room, over to the closet.

"I still don't want to do it. Everyone heard what Gavi said." He mumbles as he pulls himself out of bed and I quickly change into a skirt and a top I had picked out.

"Who cares, you're all guys, it's probably happened to everyone at some point." I say as I zip up my skirt, walking out of the closet as he gives me a look.

"You just don't get it." He says as he crosses his arms.

"Well clearly not. But you know it wouldn't kill you to maybe just admit that maybe you're attracted to your girlfriend, because nothing about that is weird." I say as he rolls his eyes, going in the closet. "Stop being all pissy, it's not cute." I mumble as he passes me.

He scoffs as he changes shirts, "not everything I do is for you and for you to decide if it's cute." He says as he looks at me through the mirror and I shake my head.

"Dude what is your problem? There's no way you care about what Gavi said that much, this is definitely something else." I say as I lean against the doorframe and he takes a deep breath before shaking his head.

"Nothing." He says simply as he fixes his shirt before he turns around, beginning to pass me before I grab his arm.

I move so im in front of him and he looks down at my lips briefly before walking out of our room, and I throw my hands up before I walk down the hallway. "You're pouting." Pablo says as I go into the kitchen, pouring myself a drink.

"Because Pedri's being annoying about everything."

"Gavi effect." He jokes as I raise my eyebrows slightly.

"No kidding. For them being so close, I swear Gavi brings out the worst in Pedri. And since I'm dating him, I'm the one that has to deal with it." I mumble as I take a sip of it before pouring more alcohol in the cup.

"Pace yourself, no one is even here yet." He insinuates as I shrug.

The doorbell then rings and I hold my cup up, "That's my cue." I whisper as he pours himself a shot.

"Cheers to that." He says as we both drink and I smile, patting his shoulder.

"I don't know what we just did cheers for, but either way, works with me." I shrug as we leave the kitchen, going to the foyer. Everyone is greeting each other, and someone, who looks familiar, walking in with Eric Garcia flashes me a smile and I return the gesture before going to find the other girls.

I run into Pablo again and I pull his shoulder so he's leaning down, "Pablo I'm seeing lots of potential here. To be fair I don't know who invited half of these people, but go use that Pablo charm." I say as I pass him once again and he shakes his head with a smile.

I look at the front door where Indi and Ale are walking in and I wave her over as Ale quickly kisses the top of her head before going to talk to Kounde.

"Hi." She smiles as I widen my eyes slightly.

"I told you that he'd still want to choose you. He would've had to have been crazy to change his mind, but at least now Isabelle and I are two for two." I say proudly as she laughs.

"Yeah, well now I can forget all about that stupid test and I can actually enjoy living in Barcelona and not be worried about school." She says as we go to the kitchen and she grabs a drink as I lean against the counter.

"I mean yeah the only thing left to worry about is your results, but we already know you passed it. Don't even stress about it." I say as I go in the fridge, grabbing out some juice as a mixer and I pour it in my cup.

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