fifty three

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"Where's Pedri?" I question as all of the guys come in the house and I look at Gavi.

"I don't know." He shrugs as he goes and sits by Isabelle.

"Well you rode with him."

He shakes his head, "I rode home with Pablo, he said he had something to do." He says simply as I give Isabelle a look and she shrugs.

"And none of you asked where he was going?"

"No, we all know better than to ask questions." Ale says as he fills up his water bottle and I cross my arms as I grab my phone.

Where you at bro

I'm just out right now, I'll be back later dude

Yeah that's not ominous at all or anything

It is what it is

Well I'll clarify, what are you doing

I gotta go, talk later


We can talk later
I have to go

Just come see me when you get home

I frown as I lean over to Isabelle and I hand her my phone and she reads through the few messages before clicking her tongue. "Yeah that's weird of him. Probably just like shopping or something." She shrugs as I shake my head.

"He doesn't like shopping." I mumble as she frowns.

"What are you two gossiping about?" Jude asks as he sits on one of the stools.

"Pedri being shady." I shrug.

"Oh the drama, what's up with him?" Pablo asks as I pull my knees up to my chest.

"I don't know, I asked where he's at and he completely avoided the question, saying he had to go." I mumble as they all look at me.

"I'm sure there's a logical explanation." Ansu says as I nod, "now I'm not sure what that explanation is, but I'm sure there is one." He adds as I try not to laugh.

"To be fair he was acting a little weird at training, always looking at his phone, were you texting him?" Ale asks as I shake my head.

"No, Isabelle and I were shopping so I didn't go on my phone after we talked in the groupchat." I say as Gavi avoids eye contact, looking around the room.

"Gavi, what do you know?" Jude asks.

He shakes his head as he crosses his arms, "nothing in particular, just some type of clothing brand thing, they want him to model it or whatever."

"Why wouldn't he just tell me that? That's not even like a bad thing."

"That's if he's actually doing that." Gavi shrugs as I frown.

"Well don't say that." Isabelle says as she shakes her head.

"Sorry." Gavi mumbles as I stare at the coffee table.

"He said he'll talk to me about it later anyways, so it's all good." I smile as I nod.

"Fuck Pedri!" Pablo yells as I side eye him.

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