sixty eight

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Shit mom

10 flop

Shit mom
Bro that goal holy shit
That was Insane

Silver hammy
I thought he was in trouble, because you
really said ANSU

Iniesta 2.0
Ansu never does anything wrong though

We do no wrong

Toilet paper
So real

Shit mom
I only see facts here

Xavi's baby boy
Tate does wrong

Iniesta 2.0

Silver hammy

Shit mom
Yeah why's that?

Xavi's baby boy
Teen pregnancy is a bitch, sneaks up on you


10 flop
If I was drinking water I would've spit it out

Silver hammy

Shit mom
1. Gavi fuck you
2. Gavi fuck you
3. Gavi fuck you
4. No Jude

Toilet paper
But Gavi just said like

Iniesta 2.0
She's not pregnant

Shit mom
I'm not pregnant!

Why did Gavi say that

Xavi's baby boy
I found a pregnancy test

Shit mom
REAL quick way to get sixth

Iniesta 2.0
Gavi shut the fuck up

Xavi's baby boy
My bad
But yeah it was in my bin so Pedri wouldn't see it and Isabelle forgot to take it out when she left, so I thought Isabelle was pregnant but turns out it was Tate, how silly

Shit mom
Deja vu just like when you told everyone
about my date, you fucking suck

Xavi's baby boy
You should know by now that NO secret
is safe with me

Silver hammy
No way, who would've guessed🙀

Xavi's baby boy
Like who would've guessed you and Lani hooked up!

10 flop
Oh snap

Silver hammy
Fuck you bro
I told you this in confidence

And he said something about how I
got 'broken up with'

Toilet paper
Really if we think about it, Gavi is the problem

Shit mom
I don't know why everyone tells him stuff too

Iniesta 2.0
A fucking rat

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