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"At this point let's just go to my room." I mumble as a smirk grows on his face and I glare at him. "Get your mind out of the gutter." I add as we go to my room.

"Do you just want to watch like a movie or something? Or like talk or anything?" He asks as I open my door.

"Well we can see if my brain decides to actually brain, so who knows what will happen." I say as I go lay down and I open my arms and he immediately comes and lies down on top of me.

One of my hands goes to the back of his head and I begin playing with his hair as my other hand goes under his shirt as I begin lightly scratching his back.

"That feels nice." He whispers. "Why do I make you nervous?"

"Because you're intimidating."

"I've known you for 9 years."

"Yeah, so? I've been closest with Gavi and Jude and you've always just kind of been there and I feel like that has something to do with it. And you make me nervous because I don't know how to do relationships, except for when we dated but I don't really even count that." I say as his hand goes underneath my sweatshirt, his thumb rubbing my stomach.

"Do I give you butterflies?" He questions as I smile.

"Butterflies or bees, not sure which it is, but yeah sure." I joke as I can feel him smile against my neck.

"You know how I knew I was in love with you like a year ago?" He asks as I hum. "Every time i smelt something that was similar to your perfume all I could think about was you. The smell is engraved in my mind and it's only associated with you."

"I think I find it weird too because you're like family at this point, but I also figured out that how we acted with each other definitely wasn't normal." I say.

"What do you mean it wasn't normal?"

"Like the constant banter we had, and the sneaky glances we'd steal of each other. I feel like this was bound to happen at some point, but I didn't want to admit it." I whisper.

"Do you think Jude knows?" He chuckles.

"There's definitely a possibility, but I feel like it'd just blow over his head if anything. He's in his own world half the time."

"He really is isn't he?" He laughs as I nod.

"Take this off, it's getting in my way." I say as I tug at the material of his training top and he pulls it off with one hand as his other hand is supporting himself.

"If you wanted me shirtless you could've just said so." He mumbles as he lies down again, repositioning so his face is in the crook of my neck.

"I just want to rub you back. You have a nice back." I say as I can feel him smile.

"I'll take that any day. I do have a pretty good back. A lot of other things about me are nice as well." He shrugs as I lightly smack his back. "My massive personality is nice. I've been told I'm a nice guy before so you know."

"Whoever told you that is a liar."

"Oh come on, Tate, you love me." He mumbles against my neck as I roll my eyes.

"I love who you're friends with. Because they're my friends and I'd rather choose them." I say as I pat his back, getting a bit more aggressive each time.

"You're being hostile." He says as he lifts his head up and I give him an innocent smile.

"Nope, just honest." I say as I give him a quick peck and he scrunches his nose before he reaches under me, and holding me before he flips us over.

I sit up as I'm now straddling him and I cross my arms as I look down at him. "If you wanted to be on top of me you could've just said that." He mumbles as he rests his hands on my hips.

"You say that with literally everything. Get a new saying buddy." I say as he smiles.

"Well you're on top of me right now, so that says enough." He suggests as he plays with the hem of my sweatshirt.

"You did this." I say as he shakes his head no.

"Sorry I don't remember that." He says as he's staring at his hands, now playing with my sweatshirt pocket. His hand slips into my pocket and he takes my phone as he quickly types in my password. "Jude texted you." He says as he's reading something on my phone.

I get off of him and I lie down next to him as I look at my phone in his hands.

Did I stumble in on something earlier?

We were just figuring what to get for dinner

Well then why were you both so awkward

Because I'm just awkward

I read what Pedri typed and i scoff as I roll my eyes before looking at the 3 dots pop up.

Okay yeah that's valid

But yeah don't worry
Nothing like that or anything

Okay I got nervous

Why's that

Because it'd just weird I feel like, I don't actually know how weird it'd be, but I feel like we'd all still think it is

Mmmm yeah I see what you're saying
Is G still mad at Pedri?

No, he got over it

Okay good, maybe you guys leaving for a bit was beneficial. Definitely gotta start doing that more


Pedri smiles as he hands me my phone. "Definitely got to start doing that more." I mock as he shrugs. "Half of that didn't even sound like I texted it."

"I called him G though, so you know, believable enough." He says proudly.

"Wait why do you know my password."

"Shhh, that's another question for another day. You're delusional and exhausted." He says as he covers my face with his hands as I begin laughing.

"You're the exhausted one remember? Mister I'll probably just go to sleep." I mimicked him from earlier and he puts his hand on his chin.

"Fine. Bed time." He says as he pulls the covers over us and he pulls me closer to him as he wraps his arms around me.

"I said you sleep, not me." I mumble against his chest as he shushes me.

"Sleep. You're delusional. This has all been a dream." He whispers as our legs intertwine and I get more comfortable.

"Goodnight." I say as he kisses my head.

"It's literally 5 pm, but goodnight." He laughs as I close my eyes.

the pyramid // pedri Where stories live. Discover now