fifty one

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"Here, we can just go home now, and then come back later and we can grab some food and just watch the sunset, does that sound good?" Pedri asks as I stand up, brushing the sand off of my legs.

"Yeah, that sounds perfect." I whisper as he puts his hand on my lower back as we begin walking to his car.

It's nearly four so we spent a couple hours here, walking down the beach, but mostly just sitting there and talking. I feel like with Pedri I don't need to do anything crazy to feel like I'm making the most out of my time. Literally just the simple thing.

Like he didn't need to skip training, but he did. And to say the least I'm grateful for him, I really am.

"And then I figured we could make some cookies or something, because you like cooking. And I'm sure the guys would like some cookies as well." He laughs as I nod.

"Okay, but then you're helping me." I say as I look at him quickly as we begin heading back home.

"I will, I will." He smiles as I roll down the window, reaching for the warm air, just like I did earlier.

We sat in a comfortable silence besides faint music playing, and about 5 minutes pass we arrive back at home and I go in my room, grabbing my phone, still lying on my bed.

"Do you just want to make sugar cookies or something?" I question as I go back out to the kitchen, leaning against the island.

"Yeah we can do that, I'll find some cookie cutters, and then maybe we can decorate some cookies later with the guys." He suggests as he begins opening up cupboards, trying to find the cookie cutters.

"Arts and crafts with the kids." I joke before I begin humming as I find a recipe and he lets out a triumphant 'Aha!' as I laugh, turning around to turn on the oven.

I grab the stand mixer and put it in the middle of the island for easy access and I show him the recipe as we begin grabbing the ingredients. "Can you pass me the baking powder?" I question as I begin measuring flour.

He slides me the box and I pick it up, looking at it as I turn, staring at him blankly. "This is baking soda."

"See, they gaslight you. Baking soda and baking powder are definitely the same thing. There's no difference." He scoffs as he takes the baking soda and he goes into the pantry, exchanging it for baking powder.

"You use baking soda with an acid and that helps them rise, usually like a cookie, and baking powder creates a more light and fluffy baked good, like a cake." I say as I measure it and he looks at me weird.

"We're making cookies though." He says, completely baffled.

"We're making sugar cookies, they're a lighter cookie, hence us using baking powder. And plus there's no acid in the recipe." I say as he smiles.

"Why do you know that?"

"It's basic chemistry, they're both sodium bicarbonates, but one needs to be activated with acid, the soda, and the other has acids premixed in the powder. And i love baking, remember?" I shrug as he stares at me, a big smile on his lips.

"You're the perfect person. I don't know why or how you know that, but wow." He says as he leans against the island, watching me as I turn on the mixer, putting in the butter and sugar.

I roll my eyes with a smile as I cross my arms, "Are you not going to help?" I question as he shrugs.

"I could watch you all day, it's not like I'm missing out on anything." He smiles as I look at him, raising my eyebrows slightly as I turn off the mixer, adding egg and vanilla before flipping it on again.

the pyramid // pedri Where stories live. Discover now