eighty four

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"Maybe he's just playing bad because you two fought last night." Isabelle suggests as we watch the match, more specifically Pedri, who was at fault for the only goal scored so far.

Sure it's everyone's fault that they ended up scoring, but not in this case, it is 100% his fault for completely missing a pass and giving possession back to the Girona side. And he definitely knows it too.

"Wait, you guys got in a fight?" Indi asks, clearly confused.

"Yeah but I forgave him." I say as Pedri loses possession again and I turn looking at Indi.

"Wow, good on you for standing your ground for a whole half of a day." Lani scoffs as Isabelle smacks her arm, "what? I'm kidding." She mumbles.

"Too much like Jude." Isabelle says as Lani shrugs.

"He's going to get subbed out soon at this point, he's a total mess." I say as I cross my arms, shaking my head.

"It's definitely because you guys fought, right?" Indi asks as I shrug.

"I don't even know at this point, like I guess we've never really gotten into a bad fight before, but he knows I'm not mad anymore. I can't imagine it having this much of an impact on him." I say as more of a question.

"Yeah that's a good point. It'd make sense if he was playing bad because you're still mad, but you're not, so who even knows what's going on." Isabelle begins as Pablo gets ready to go in.

"At least Pablo is playing." Lani shrugs as I stare down at Pedri, once again getting the ball taken away from him as I shake my head.

"I never thought I'd say this, but Xavi needs to take Pedri out, like immediately." I mumble as the ref holds up the board for Pablo's substitution.

"He listened." Indi jokes as Pedri leans his head back before walking off the field, not bothering to even give Pablo a high five, and avoiding talking to anyone on the sideline as he goes down the tunnel.

"And he's in a bad mood too, even better." Isabelle laughs as she pats my back. "Have fun with that later." She adds as I frown.

"Yay." I say weakly as all three of them laugh.

"Just find a way to make him feel better." Lani suggests as I turn my head slowly to look at her.

Isabelle side eyes Lani as she takes deep breaths trying to not laugh. "I'm sorry, you're just asking for me to think of something bad with that comment." She says as Lani told her eyes.

"You're in the gutter." Lani says as Isabelle shakes her head.

"There's no way I was the only one who thought something bad, right?" Isabelle questions.

"Okay I can't lie it did sound kind of bad." I say as Lani shakes her head.

"No it didn't, you guys are just weird." Indi chimes in as I look at Isabelle and we both start laughing. "Innocent tate is gone, Isabelle is rubbing off on you." She adds as that makes Isabelle laugh harder.

"Don't say that, that's even worse then saying she should find a way to make him feel better." Isabelle says, completely out of breath from laughing as I hand her my water and she takes it, taking a sip.

"You're going to end up killing her with something you guys say, because she'll take it out of context." I say as Isabelle shakes her head, beginning to cough.

"I'm okay, I'm okay." She says as she takes a deep breath.

"She's not okay, especially not with all of those comments she makes, definitely not okay." Lani scoffs as Isabelle smacks her arm again.

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