one hundred eighteen

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"Tate have you seen my shades? I can't find them anywhere"

"What do you need shades for on the jet ski? They'll just fly off of you if anything, Now come on and hurry up Gavi will kill me if we're late just because you couldn't find your glasses"

"But Tate-" he starts to say but I cut him off by pushing him out the door.

"Pedri we have to be down by the far side of the beach in less than ten minutes", I tell him as he interlocks our hands.

We walk at a fast pace towards the beach when I notice him take his phone out, pointing his camera at me.

"Pedri no, what are you taking a picture of me for?"

"Shhhh and just smile Tate, you look beautiful, the sun really compliments you"

"Okay but whatever you do, do not post it anywhere, last thing I need is your fan girls dming me to stay away from your or something like that, you know, the usual"

"So what if they do? I can show of my girlfriend if I want to, who cares what they do or think? If they're really my fans they'll respect me and my personal life. Plus you're too hot to not show off to the world."

I give him a smile as he places a kiss on my cheek.

"Get a room" I hear a voice coming from behind us.

"Jude you always know how to ruin a good moment, just because you don't have a girl anymore doesn't mean you can ruin me enjoying mine" Pedri snarks back at him as I smack his arm.

"Ouch that hurt, is what I would say if I cared, but I don't, so therefore I'm not saying it"

"Someone's gone heartless by the sounds of things" I tell Jude as he clicks his tongue and shows off a wink.

"Where are the others anyway?" Pedri says, ignoring Jude's action.

"Hold that thought, the man himself is calling me".

"Who's the man himself?" I ask waiting for a response.

"Gaviiiiii, my man, where are you lot anyway?"

"There's your answer" Pedri says as he rolls his eyes.

"Woah woah woah buddy, relax and lose that tone with me please and thanks, yes we're on our way. Oh he hung up" Jude says as he pulls his phone away from his ear, looking at it with a frown.

"What's his issue then?"

"Don't know, my guess is Isabelle told him she hates him and wants to breakup"

"Wait hold up what?" I say confused.

"Jeez Tate it was sarcasm, where did your humour go? Did you leave it back at home"

"That's not something to joke about Jude" I scoff, releasing my hand from Pedri's, flicking Jude's ear.

"There they are, oh they do not look too happy to see us if I'm being honest" Pedri says with a slightly scared tone in his voice.

"What happened to being here at twelve? You're seven minutes late, the jet ski operator isn't too happy with your guys' tardiness"

"Relax Gavi, we're here now aren't we?" Pedri says putting his hand up for a high-five but gets rejected.

"Just hurry up and put on your life vests"

"Someone's in a bad mood, was Isabelle not in the mood last night Gavs?" Jude asks with a cocky smile.

"Jude i swear to god I will tell the operator to rig your jet" Gavi says angryily.

"What's his issue then?" I ask Isabelle.

the pyramid // pedri Where stories live. Discover now