eighty three

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"What happened with Pedri?" Pablo asks as we get back home, going outside, sitting on the edge of the pool.

"He's just being an asshole for no reason." I say as I set my coffee down next to me.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He whispers as I click my tongue.

"I told him about Jordan and the dm, and he was saying he's surprised I didn't answer him or anything, because three months ago I would've since I'd go for any guy who gave me attention." I say as I cross my arms.

He blows out a breath as he shakes his head, "yeah thats tough. He definitely didn't need to say all of that, especially since you two are dating. Like three months ago shouldn't matter at this point." He says as I nod.

"That's what I'm saying." I mumble as I sigh, "and then we started arguing over the fact that he was looking for me because he thought I'd be cheating on him, and i got mad because I've never done anything that should give him the impression that I'd cheat on him. So I don't know if I was overreacting and I should apologize, or if I'm right and he was wrong."

"Tate, he's definitely in the wrong. Like realistically neither of you would cheat on one another, but even less likely that it'd be you. And he should be the one to apologize, not you."

"I was kind of an asshole to him though." I whisper as I look at him and he frowns, "I called him shady and told him he puts himself in situations where cheating could happen." I add as he laughs.

"It's cute that you're worried about that." He jokes as he stands up, "it is true though, so don't feel like an asshole." He adds as he takes my hand, helping me up as I grab my coffee cup.

"I'm serious. I feel bad." I mumble as he shakes his head.

"Yeah and you also felt bad for telling Hailey off when she wanted to home wreck. Tate, you're just too nice, but this is definitely a situation where you aren't the one who needs to apologize." He admits as I nod.

"Okay okay, maybe you're right." I say as he shrugs with a smile.

He quickly looks at his phone as we go inside, "do you want me to get the guys? I have to go upstairs anyways to go plug my phone in." He says as I nod.

"Yeah, and we can just meet in the movie room and do it in there." I suggest as he nods.

We part ways as he goes upstairs and I walk down the hallway to our room as I take a deep breath before walking in. "I'm about to do the pyramid meeting if you wanna go to the movie room." I say as I make a beeline for the desk, grabbing my computer. I quickly leave before he has a chance to respond and I go down to the basement, setting things up and making a few changes before everyone makes their way in.

A few of the guys sit in the reclining chairs, and some go lay on the sofa beds and I stand up, going over by the screen. "Welcome to the first meeting in the new house, we will have them in here because it just feels more fitting, and a bigger screen so you can really see how bad you did." I say as I click it. "Pedri you're sixth."

"Tate." He says quietly.

"You've been an asshole since we moved in. It's really as simple as that, so do better." I say as I glance at Pablo in the back row and he holds a thumbs up, nodding.

"Jude you're fifth. Still the same thing that's been happening since the beginning, the weird comments gotta stop at some point." I say as he shakes his head.

"You just hate me because you ain't me. I'll never stop." He counters as I roll my eyes.

"Gavi you're fourth, just a bit aggressive with punching Jordan, and it wasn't really needed." I say, but as soon as I say Jordans name, out of the corner of my eye I see Pedri clench his jaw.

"Hey whatever. I can sleep better at night knowing that I helped protect you, you know?" He shrugs as I nod slowly.

"Ansu and Ale you're both second, or third, however you want to look at it. You both don't really bother anyone, certainly not me, so you two are great all around." I say as they give each other a high five.

"Tate, still not how that works." Gavi mumbles as I hold up my hand.

"Pablo you're in first. It has a little bit to do with today, but you're also the nicest half of the time and that doesn't go unnoticed. Keep it up." I say as the guys start clapping for him.

He comes down by me and shakes my hand as he clears his throat, "thank you Tate for realizing my potential. Thank you Jude, Gavi and Pedri for all being terrible this week, because that gave me a chance to shine, and thank you Ansu and Ale for being average. Without you five I wouldn't be in this position, so thank you." He says as Jude covers his mouth, trying to not laugh. "And that's why you're in fifth." He adds.

"I'm sorry, my brain just can't not make those connections. That's just how I am." Jude says as he stands up, stretching his arms.

"Well, Tate, another pyramid, another day youre not learning that two people can't be in the same position." Gavi says as Jude walks out of the room, bursting out laughing. "Hate that guy. Isabelle already does stuff like that, I don't need Jude doing it too." He adds as he walks out of the room, crossing his arms.

Ansu and Ale also leave the room, leaving Pablo and Pedri left. I look from Pedri to Pablo as I nudge my head at the door and Pablo gets up following me, "what am I supposed to do?" I whisper as I pull him aside down a hall with just a bathroom.

"Talk to him. You don't have to apologize, but you can hear him out at least. Or you can just go sleep in a guest room tonight and just let it sit for a day." He suggests as I lean my head back, letting out a sigh. "Just go back in there and if anything happens just come up to my room."

"Okay fair, but I still don't know which room is yours." I mumble as I cross my arms.

"I'll leave it open." He says quietly as I wrap my arms around him in a hug.

"Thank you, Pablo." I whisper as he wraps his arms around me.

"I'm always here." He says as I smile, "now go talk to him." He adds as he pulls away from the hug, pushing me lightly.

I turn around to give him a look before I take a deep breath going back in the movie room as Pedri sits up, giving me a look. "Can we talk?" He asks as I go over, sitting down as he sighs, "I know that I'm an asshole, and I don't want that to impact our relationship. I'm at fault, I know that, and I genuinely am sorry."

"I wouldn't cheat on you." I say simply as he nods.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I think part of me was jealous when she said he was hitting on you, and the fact that you didn't realize made things even worse in my head. I really jumped to conclusions and I had no right to do that." He rambles as I stare at him.

"I don't know if I believe that." I whisper.

"Tate, if there's one thing I believe, it's us." He says as he reaches forward, taking my hands, "please forgive me."

"You really need to work on this whole attitude thing, because that's not who I fell in love with." I mumble as I lean over, wrapping my arms around him in a hug.

"I know. I'll work on it for you." He whispers, "you deserve better."

the pyramid // pedri Where stories live. Discover now