forty three

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"Pedri, let go." I say as I try to slip out from underneath his arms.

"No." He mumbles as he immediately pulls me back to him.

"I need to go get water." I say as he kisses my cheek.

"Nope." He smiles as I blow out a frustrated breath.

"You're so adorable, but I'm thirsty." I whisper as I rest my hand on his jaw.

"Drink out of my water bottle." He says as he lazily points to my nightstand.

"I already drank it all." I mumble as he chuckles before letting go of me.

"Thank you." I smile as I grab both of our water bottles, going to the kitchen. "Pablo? What are you doing?" I question as he's grabbing his keys.

"I need coffee, do you want to come with?" He asks as I look at the clock.

"No better time to get coffee than 7am." I say as I go over by the door putting on shoes. "But yes of course, im down."

We go out to his car and I get in before buckling. "No one ever gets coffee with me, no one else really likes it." He shrugs as he turns the radio down.

"Well if you ever want coffee I am always willing to go with." I say as he nods with a laugh. "And you know I feel like we never really hangout that often. I feel like with all the guys I have like something in particular I do with them, but I feel like I don't with you."

"It's coffee now, you're stuck."

"Oh no, forced to get coffee whenever you go? How upsetting that is, what will I ever do?" I joke as he flips on the blinker.

"I know, I know, so sorry." He plays along as I look out the window shaking my head.

"When you, Ansu and Ale made the bet of who I'd end up with, who did you think it'd be?"

"Jude." He says simply with a shrug.

"Why? Pedri said that Gavi also thought Jude out of everyone." I cross my arms as he clicks his tongue.

"Well you've always been closest with Jude or Gavi, and Gavi was out of the equation in my opinion because he's kind of the epitome of a younger brother, especially to you. And Jude I thought just because I feel like you guys always had a really good relationship, and that's usually the one you end up dating." He says as I knit my eyebrows together.

"And my mom likes him the most." I mumble as he laughs.

"And your mom likes him the most." He repeats as I smile. "But it doesn't really matter, right? You're happy and that's all that matters." He adds as he looks at me briefly.

"Thank you Pablo." I whisper as he nods his head with a smile.

"Of course."


"Sit down, dude." I say as I point to Gavi and he shakes his head as he stands there staring at the tv.

"I'll only sit when I feel nauseous for the terrible spot I'm probably in this week." He shrugs as I roll my eyes.

"Okay, okay. This is the third pyramid I think? Maybe the fourth but that's besides the point." I say as they all nod.

"Please enlighten us." Ale says as I click it.

"Jude you're sixth this week. I feel like being first really got to your head, and you make everything weirdly sexual and it's annoying. And you were also supposedly screaming at some of the guys at training, bringing up their low rankings. And blackmail, so yep." I say as he takes a deep breath.

the pyramid // pedri Where stories live. Discover now