one hundred seventeen

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I'm awoken by a loud noise out in the hallway, I look over at Pedri and see he's sound asleep, 6:47 am, my phone reads.

I lift off the bed covers and get up as quietly as possible so I don't wake up Pedri. Sliding into my slippers as I make my way over to the door.

Opening it slightly so I can peak my head out but make sure passers by can't look in and see the mess left from last night, "Tate, what are you doing? Wait what time is it?" Pedri says in a hushed but raspy voice which makes me fold every time I hear it.

"Almost seven, there was a noise coming from the hallway, I was curious to know what it was but it remains a mystery apparently as there's nothing out there, probably some couple going at it," I tell him as I'm removing my slippers and getting back into bed.

"Did the noises outside wake you up or is something troubling you?" He questions while holding my hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb.

"No, the noises woke me up, nothing is troubling me, now go back to sleep I don't want you to be grumpy for the rest of the day."

"I'm just making sure you're not going to have second thoughts about our future child, especially after what we did only a few hours ago for it, if you're going to have any doubts about it I'd prefer you tell me, rather then keep it to yourself and cause any unnecessary stress."

"Pedri I promise you, no second thoughts on this, I want to have kids with you, end of conversation. If I have to tattoo it across my forehead to keep reminding you I will, but I know how much you don't like tattoos so I guess that rules out that option." I mumble as he smiles slightly.

"Have i ever told you how much I love you Tate" Pedri whispers in my ear as he places a kiss on my forehead and falls back to sleep.

I watch him fall into a slumber and I can't help but be overcome with a happiness knowing this man will be the father of our kids. I turn over and close my eyes eventually falling back asleep.

I wake up for a second time this morning, checking the time, 10:01, Shit we missed breakfast.

"Pedri! Pedri!" I shake him viciously until he opens his eyes.

"Fuck Tate, was there a need to shake me so rough, I was in the middle of a dream." he groans while stretching his arms.

I look him up and down admiring his body, "Yeah I wonder what kinda dream." I scoff.

"Mi amor, by now you should already be aware of my dreams and the effect they leave." he laughs while I hit him across his chest with my pillow, interrupting his stretch.

"So mature of you, future father of my kids" I roll my eyes as I get up and walk towards the bathroom.

"What is everyone else doing? Did they get breakfast or did they go somewhere? What are we doing for breakfast? What's our plans for the day?"

"So many questions for someone who has a phone he can use." I tell him, hearing him mumble something under his breath.

Rizz gods + 6 footballers

Did you guys get breakfast?

Jablo ate !!

When do we not eat 😍

This is why we're the best couple🧏🏻‍♀️

Me and Tate exist guys.


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