bonus 2

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Another time skip of ay let's say 2 years

"Wedding day!" Gavi yells as he walks in the room and I sit up, stretching my arms back.

"Wedding day." I repeat back as I get out of bed, immediately checking my phone, seeing a text from Nat and my mom, confirming some stuff for the wedding venue.

"You won't have to worry about seeing Pedri today, he's helping at the venue right now, and it's supposed to be bad luck or something to see him before the ceremony." He says as I frown.

"That's a myth." I mumble as I walk out of the room and he trails behind me as I go to the kitchen, Celia and Jude sitting at the table as she's eating breakfast. "Hi, baby." I whisper as I kiss the top of her head as I pass her.

"Where's my kiss?" Jude jokes as I shake my head, grabbing my water bottle.

"Funny guy." I say as he looks at Celia.

"Your mom is mean." He whispers as she smiles, shaking her head.

"No she isn't." She says as Jude covers his chest, gasping.

"Since when do you disagree with me, hmm?" He asks as he leans over, pinching her cheek slightly as she begins giggling.

"I always have." She says in between laughs and he shakes his head.

"Back in the day you were attached at my hip, and now that you're 4 you're disagreeing with me all the time." He says as she gets off of her chair, coming over to me as she stands on her tiptoes, putting her plate in the sink.

"Mom isn't mean." She says as she turns back around, and I look at Jude, shrugging.

"She's right, I'm not mean." I say as he shakes his head.

"Not only is she disagreeing with me all the time, she's also lying to you." He says as he comes over, picking her up and putting her over his shoulder as she begins laughing again.

"Where are the other two?" I question as Jude purses his lips.

"I was going to wake them up but then I made Celia breakfast because she was hungry, and then I got distracted talking about life with her." He says as she gives me a look, before shaking her head.

"We didn't talk mom, he's lying." She says as Jude scoffs, setting her down.

"Cece, just agree with me for once, you little monster." He mumbles.

"I don't lie." She says as he gives me a look.

"She's lying about that, she's lying about not lying, that's crazy." He says as I smile slightly.

"She is Pedri's daughter. In no time she'll be gaslighting you too." I say as I pass him, patting his back as I go down the hallway to the kids' room, opening the door.

I flip the light on and they're both already standing in their cribs and I go over, picking them both up as I walk out of the room. "Where's the little man?" Pablo asks as I bounce him up and down slightly, before setting him down and he goes over to Pablo before falling over.

"Imagine not being able to walk properly." Ale jokes as Gavi comes from down the hallway.

"He's only 16 months, leave the poor guy alone." Gavi says.

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