forty one

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"You look handsome." I say as I open my door to Pedri in a classic black suit.

"You think so?" He questions as he adjusts his sleeves and I nod as he comes in my room.

"I do think so." I shrug as I go in my closet.

"So what dress did you end up getting? You refused to let me shop with you yesterday, you only allowed Ale and Ansu to go with." He says.

"Yeah, well, give me a second and you'll see." I say as I take the dress off the hanger and I change quickly into the dark green dress. I zip it up as much as I can and I walk out of my closet before I turn around. "Can you help me?" I question quietly as I move my hair and his fingers brush against my back.

"There we go." He whispers as I let go of my hair and I turn around looking up at him. "Big debut as my girlfriend, yeah? Everyone knows who you are but they don't know that much." He says as I nod before adjusting his tie.

"Everyone is going to be so sad that I'm off the table. I know how much everyone just adored me." I sigh sarcastically as he chuckles nodding his head before I fold the collar of his shirt down after fixing his tie. "There we go." I say as I run my thumb over his cheek quickly.

I turn around and look at us in the mirror before I wrap my arm around his torso pulling him into a side hug. "You look beautiful." He whispers before kissing the top of my head.

"I love you." I say barely audible as he looks down at me with a smile.

"You what?" He asks with a smile plastered on his face.

"I love you." I say again as I turn to face him.

"I like the sound of that." He shrugs as I frown.

"You've known that though."

"Well yeah, but you've never said it straight up like that. It's different that way." He says as he brushes a strand of hair behind my ear. "I love you." He says this time.

"Ohh yeahhh." I draw out as I grab my pair of heels and a handbag before I walk out of my room and Pedri is just laughing.

I go to the living room where Pablo and Jude are sitting, arms slung around each other. So they're really trying to sell this?

"Hey guys." I say as I give them both a look before shaking my head.

"What's up?" Pablo says as he does a head nod and I just stare at them.

"I'm sorry, I really just can't take you two seriously. How long are you guys going to do this whole thing?"

"Tate," Jude says shocked, "you can't fake love." He says as he shakes his head and I scoff.

"What's next? Are you going to pop him the big question?" I joke as they give each other a look.

"Maybe tomorrow." Pablo just shrugs.

I need to never ask questions again, or I'll end up here. "Hey sexy." Jude says as Pedri comes down the hallway and Pablo side eyes Jude.

"Hey hottie." Pedri responds as Jude covers his face in embarrassment.

"Oh, stop it you." Jude says as he giggles and I cover my mouth stopping myself from laughing. "We should ride together, it can be a double date." He adds as Pablo nods.

"Agreed. I just want to make sure I'm with my sugar plum." Pablo says.

"You guys concern me." I mumble as I go sit on the couch, purposely scooting away from them as they shuffle down closer to me.

I keep moving down the couch and they continue getting closer until Jude is next to me. "Tate, if you wanted a hug you could've just said so." He says as he wraps his arm around me.

the pyramid // pedri Where stories live. Discover now