Chapter 1

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London, England.

Who would ever have imagined that she would end up in England? Leaving New Zealand was not even fathomable until now, but nevertheless, she was here.

"One year, you will be here only one year and then you can go back home," she whispered under her breath as she grabbed her bags and exited Heathrow. "You're working for a year and then you will be home." It was her silent mantra.

It was scary, leaving the island and her little town where her life consisted of surfing, partying, and working. Now, she was here for a job, working as a nanny to take a break from her life back home.

"All it is, is a break," she whispered again. Gathering herself and her luggage, she exited the baggage claim. "Here goes nothing."

Harriet looked around for a sign with her name on it. Her employer, Claudia, had told her that her driver would pick her up and take her to the manor. Her long, dyed silver hair was draped over her shoulder, and glasses perched on her freckled nose. This she paired with grey sweats and a crew neck she had stolen from an ex.

Her blue eyes scanned the people waiting for their loved ones. Biting her lip, she walked around the pickup area.

Ms. Harriet Kensington

She spotted her name. Gathering herself one last time, she walked up to the sign that belonged to a tan individual. Italian descent, possibly? He had dark brown hair, close to black, with a toothy smile that made him seem more welcoming. A good boy in her eyes, the type of guy you would bring home to your mother.

"Hi, Harriet," she said, her Kiwi accent startling him.

"Hi, I'm Marco," he replied, hand out ready for a handshake. Definitely Italian, she noted with that gorgeous accent. "How was your flight?" he asked, leading her to the car. He took her luggage from her, explaining he wanted to take it off her hands.

"It was good. Long though," she sighed.

"How long?"

"I'm from New Zealand, so it was close to twenty-four hours."

Marco's eyes widened. "Holy. The longest flight I have done was ten hours, and I thought that was hell."

"Yeah, I get that. Thank God Mrs. Alderidge paid for my flight here, so I had the little cubicle thing where I was able to sleep. I don't know how I would have survived if I was just sitting," she exclaimed with a chuckle.

He laughed as they stopped in front of a black Jaguar SUV. She looked at her surroundings, which was an outside parking lot. The sun beamed down on her. It was hot, not crazy, but enough for her to be a little warm in her jumper and pants. June weather in England was completely different from New Zealand's June weather. It was good to have summer come early.

Marco opened the door for her, then climbed into the designer leather seats.

Here goes nothing, one year of work and travel, then she was back home, and everything would be fine. All the drama would cool down, she prayed.

Harriet wouldn't admit it, but she had left for a reason. A traumatic incident had happened to her, and she needed to leave the island to take a breather. She loved kids. Back at home, she worked as a social worker, so, to be a nanny for a five-year-old, and a two-year-old was exciting. What was more exciting was that they were in a good home. She didn't know if she could take another child from a tragic home. Too many stories, too many tears.

"Do you work for the Alderidge's?" she asked as the two of them headed for the Manor.

"Yes, I work as their chef. It's a wonderful home, old and possibly haunted, but it's beautiful. The couple is very kind. The husband I rarely see him as he is a workaholic, but Claudia is quite nice. She works for Vogue in London, and he owns his own law firm, I think. The kids are sweethearts, and very kind, and Ember, the daughter, has quite the personality. Caleb takes after his sister," he told her.

Jax's Game: Book 1 of The Checkmate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now