Chapter 31

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Harriet was pacing, she had barely slept that night as she paced back and forth. Her feet were bare on the wooden floors as she held her phone in one hand and Jax's debit card in the other. Five million, would he know if she took out five million? That man drops money like nobody's business.

Images of her doing hard drugs, she couldn't believe it. A year ago, she wouldn't have cared if it got realised but now, she did. Her present life required keeping a certain image. It was still out in the media about how she was a home wrecker and for it to get out that she was also an addict!

'The Druggie who ruined England's perfect family'.

She could hear the headlines already!

Jax would lose it. He would leave her. She had fucked up enough already. Harriet knew that this would be the icing on the goddamn cake. Jax didn't know about the drugs, and if he did, he would go mental. He quizzed her before about it, and she had lied right to his face.

How would she do this? Call the bank?

'Hi, can I get five million out? Yeah, it's just for some shopping, yes shopping...personal care, you know?'

They would call Jax in a heartbeat.

Her phone went off, making her jump. She saw Jax's name appear on the screen, and her heart dropped.

"Hello?" she said, trying her best to sound herself.

"You didn't call me when you got home from the pub, Kit. Had to deal with my situation by myself, wasn't too nice if you ask me," he snickered.

"Sorry about that, I came home and collapsed. You should be asleep right now," she lied, diverting the conversation. Harriet stopped pacing and sat on the couch. A heavy breath left her lips.

"It is six in the morning. I need to get up for a meeting in an hour. Just wanted to check on you as you didn't call me back," he told her. Harriet could hear the ruffling of his sheets as he got up. "Are you ok? You sound different, panicked, and jumpy," he told her, concerned.

Harriet hummed. "M'fine, just nervous 'cause I have this project due for Atticus, and I am not good at presenting."

He didn't buy it, and she realized it right away. "Well, ok," he said.

"I have to go. I am late for an appointment," she said, getting up on the couch and grabbing her coat.

"Oh, ok. What appointment?" he asked, trying his best to dig for information.

"Umm, I can't tell you. It is a," she trailed off, "a wedding thing."

Jax, across the world, sat on his bed with his eyebrows frowned at her words "Wedding thing?"


"I thought you said you didn't want a wedding," he reminded her. Harriet's eyes widened; she really did suck at lying.

"Well, I was out last night with Cameron, and she reminded me that my last wedding was at a City Hall and my honeymoon was in a car for a few minutes, so I might want a wedding now. Cam and I are going to go look at wedding stuff."

He scoffed, "Ok, well-"

"Cam is here, got to go, love you. Bye!" she hung up the phone and groaned. That was absolutely pathetic. He didn't buy it, not for a second. Jax knew something was up and she was hours from being caught.

It was now or never. The brunette grabbed her coat and bag and the keys to the Maserati. On the way out, she grabbed duffle bags from the closet and Jax's chequebook. How many bags would be needed to hold 5 million pounds?

Jax's Game: Book 1 of The Checkmate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now