Chapter 32

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Harriet, ash blonde now, walked into the apartment. It was dark, the fire was on, and silence filled as she entered. She turned the corner. It was a little past eight at night now. After Toby, she headed to be with Cameron until she was sure Jax was home.

He was there, suit jacket gone, and collar shirt unbuttoned. His palms were on the counter as he leaned on them and looked down. A scotch was in front of him, half-empty as he waited for her.

"He is dealt with," he mumbled when he heard her footsteps.

Harriet hung up the keys of the Maserati on the wall and placed her bag down on the counter, coming around to him and wrapping her arms around him.

Instantly, he nuzzled himself into her, holding her close as he cried lightly. Harriet took a deep breath, rubbing circles on his back.

"When I got that call, I thought you were leaving me for real. I thought you were done and that you were going to go."

He pulled away, looking into her blue eyes.

"You're blonde." She brushed his curls away from his face as she planted a firm kiss on his lips.

Jax rubbed a strand of her hair between his finger pads as he stared at her.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared that you would leave me for good. Jax, I," she sighed, thumbing her tears away, "I feel like every day something comes up that makes me feel like I am not good enough for you. That I am just trash, from the low life. I already fucked up so much here that I thought you would leave if you found out I did drugs. If that video went out, I knew I was done," she cried.

Jax shook his head, cupping her cheeks as he wiped the tears away with his thumb.

"No, I don't care," he told her, face scrunching up. "You're my girl, my lover, my soulmate. I knew everything, Harriet. I had a private investigator looking into Kai and I knew about his gambling and the fact he was in debt. I was watching him. I knew you did drugs. I knew you were arrested for running a ring, but never charged. I don't care about that stuff. I care about your safety. You're not an addict. You're an independent, healthy, beautiful woman who is my girl."

Harriet shook her head, licking her lips as he wiped her tears.

"You hired a private investigator?"


"Why do we lie to one another?" she whispered.

"Because we both believe we are not good enough for the other person," he told her, caressing her cheeks and tilting her chin to look up at him.

"You're enough for me," she muttered, "more than enough," she cried.


"What is going to happen to Kai?" Harriet asked, leaning against the counter and taking his drink from him. "He'll be arrested and charged with extortion. Everett told me he threatened the kids, so I am going to make sure the fucker is locked up."

Harriet nodded. "He did."

"Where's the cash?" Jax asked, hand on her hip as he looked into her eyes.

"I dropped it back to Anthony. It is in your account," she muttered, walking to the fridge to grab something to eat.

Jax watched her. She was perfect to him, no matter what. He loved her with every fiber of his being. He cried when she cried, he hurt when she hurt, and he was happy when she was happy. They were connected whether they knew it or not.

"I was so scared," he admitted as she came back.

"I know, I was too."

"Come here," he said, opening his arms up. She walked into them, letting him cradle her as they rocked back and forth. They held each other like it was their last time, rocking back and forth as they cried a little.

"I love you," she muttered, "every imperfection is a perfection to me and every flaw that you possess, I see it as flawless. I will love you forever, even if you threaten everyone or," she muttered, raking her fingers through his hair as she looked up, "if you do have control issues. You are perfect to me." She kissed his cheek. "Perfect man, father, and eventually," she took his left hand and kissed his ring finger, "husband."

"Kitten," he muttered, "I was not in New York for work."

She frowned. "What were you in New York for then?"

Jax walked to the bedroom, leaving her there with her arms crossed. He came back with a blue velvet box in his hand. She instantly knew what it was.

"I found this designer, well my PA did, but that doesn't matter," he told her with a light chuckle. "Anyway, she takes antique rings and redoes them to make them better. I thought of you right away with your retro yet modern style," he rambled on, eyes locked on the box.

"Jax, are you nervous?" she chuckled, cupping his light stubbled cheeks.

"Yes, because I really haven't proposed before." She laughed. "Anyway, I met with the designer, and I looked at all the antique rings, and we came up with a plan. She took this band and like did shit to it, anyway. I am obviously not a jeweler. I am a lawyer," he was still rambling on.

She chuckled as he got down on one knee, looking up at her.

"Harriet Camille Kensington, I have loved you since I met you when I was seven. You had a stuffed kitten and a very shy smile. I watched you grow up and become this confident woman who doesn't give two shits about anything. You're not scared to give someone a piece of your mind or to outdrink someone. I have also heard you are the ultimate poker champion, so it is on my list to beat you, but knowing you, you will beat me. You possess this aura that makes me want to be a better man for you. Kit, you're so badass and independent. I love you, I always have, and seeing you thirteen years later, you still have the same effect on me as you always did. You're beautiful, intelligent, and confident, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So, will you do the honour of becoming my wife?" he asked.

Harriet blinked away the tears as she nodded.

"Yes," she mumbled, cupping his cheek and bringing him up for a kiss. It was messy, as she cried tears of happiness in the kiss. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she kissed him with passion.

He pulled away, taking the most beautiful ring she has ever seen and placing it on her left ring finger. It had an antique rose gold braided band accented with white diamonds. An oval diamond, large and perfect, sat in the middle. It was perfect, vintage mixed with chic and glamour. Harriet looked at her finger, staring at it as she cried.

"I love you," she mumbled through the tears, kissing him again.

"I love you too, Kit," he smirked as she looked between him and the ring.

The woman was in shock, letting the tears roll down her cheeks. He loved her, even with the teary eyes, swollen lips, red cheeks, and snotty nose. Jax chuckled, seeing her trying to connect the dots of what had just happened.

"Kai," she mumbled.

"Is in prison, waiting to be deported back to New Zealand for trial."

"We," she mumbled, "we, we are getting married," she eventually got out.

He nodded.

"Ok, mister. I need to take a powder break, and then we are going to make love. Not fuck, no...devices, just you and me in missionary," she mumbled, taking the box of tissues and walking to the bedroom.

He chuckled, nodding at her.

"Jax!" she called, turning around, nudging to the bedroom.

"Right, coming!" He was shaken out of his stare as he followed her.

Jax's Game: Book 1 of The Checkmate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now