Chapter 4

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Jax met her when she was four, and he was seven. He watched from afar as a little girl came through the big black doors with a stuffed kitten in her hand. Fear was painted on her face as was a small frown and tears in her doe-like eyes. The seven-year-old watched the girl from the stairs as Ms. Betty Stevenson held her hand and explained to the small girl that this was her new home. The fear on her face was intense, but Jax couldn't relate.

He had been there since birth. She actually had a mother, and now she was here. He wondered what happened.

The brunette with tight curls and ocean eyes watched her as she walked past him, going up the stairs to her new room, the girls' ward for ages 5-10. Being the kindred soul he was, he gave her a small, gentle smile when she passed him, and she gave him one back. The small boy instantly knew that look. She wasn't happy, and she was more than just scared. It was as if she had just witnessed something terrible and unimaginable.

All he knew at that moment was that he wanted to protect her, hold her, and take care of her gentle soul.

* * *

Harriet didn't see Jax for the rest of the day. Fair enough, she wanted it, and now he listened. Finally, peace and quiet.

She continued her day as per usual, picking up Ember and driving her to her art class, then dance. Taking Caleb to a playdate and then picking them all up and taking them back home. Life as a nanny was constantly running after kids. Marco was in the kitchen, cooking up a storm as the kids ran around the halls playing hide and seek.

"The husband is home," Marco said, trying his best to gossip.

"Yes, I met him last night. Nice guy," Harriet responded, grabbing a glass from the cabinet and pouring herself a vodka soda. It was Friday, after all.

Marco pivoted, eyes wide open, and curiosity spread on his face. "You met him, and you thought he was nice?" She slowly nodded. "He was an uptight asshole to me."

She nodded along. "I got that vibe too. I walked in on them fighting," she told him, a light chuckle mixed with the words, downing the drink quickly and chasing it with some water to cover the smell.

"Was it about the swinger parties, the whores, or the-"

"What?" she questioned, scrunching her eyebrows.

"Rumours spread. I think they have an open marriage, and he fucks anything that moves, and she probably does too. When you're that hot, you have the right to," he shrugged as he dished up the plates. "Dinner!"

She heard the running footsteps. "Tell me everything once they go to bed," she whispered to him.

* * *

Dinner was a success. Caleb passed out as soon as he had food in his belly, and now Harriet was tucking in Ember.

"Tell me more about your mommy and daddy," Harriet asked, tucking the pink blanket into her sides.

The room was gorgeous, with pink wallpaper and dollhouses. She was spoiled, but Harriet couldn't care less. The little girl was the sweetest thing in the world with the most humbling heart. She smiled at her, tucking the curls behind her ears as her brown eyes filled with life looked at hers.

"Mhmm, my daddy is cool, and my mummy has a funny laugh."

"Do you miss daddy when he is gone a long time?"

"Mhmm, yeah!" Ember exclaimed. So innocent, she really didn't know what she was talking about. "But he always gives me extra kisses," she mused.

"Of course, he does," Harriet winked, tickling her belly. "Well, it's time to sleep, girlie," she told her, switching off the fairy lamp and kissing her small head.

Jax's Game: Book 1 of The Checkmate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now