Chapter two

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After we dropped my stuff off at the Byers new house, we all went to the roller rink.  I didn't really want to do anything because the only person who was talking to me was El.

I didn't even want to be in California anymore.

We pulled up to the parking lot and Jonathan, Will's older brother, and his friend apparently, dropped us off.  El, Will, that random guy, and I all walk into the building.

We all got our skates and found ourselves a table and Will and the guy immediately left to go skate.

I sat at the table booth with El across from me.  I look down at the table in front of me, pulling my eyes away from the two boys who were laughing together.

"Who's the guy?"  I ask El while looking up at her.  Her expression changed from clam to something like guilt or nervousness.

"Just one of Will's friends."  She shrugs and takes another sip of her drink.

I knew she was lying but I didn't feel like pushing the subject any further.  I had a new question to ask her.

"Why hasn't he talked to me?"  I ask quietly, my eyes return to the two boy's who were still laughing.  El must have noticed the look on my face.

"Just ask him later tonight."  She shrugs once more.

"It's annoying me."  I complain.  "I came here all the way from Hawkins to hang out with you both and he just wants to run off with some random boy I've never seen or heard of."

"Just talk to him, alright?"  She says gently.  That's one of the things I loved about her.  She was always calm unless she was trying to save the world.

Life is weird.

No wonder we aren't together anymore.

I give her a nod anyway.

The rest of the day was insanely boring.  I wanted as the two other boys had conversations and laughing together.  El could tell I hated this because she tried to loop me into the conversation.  It didn't work though.

By the end of the day I was exhausted.  El brought me to the guest room and told me she would go get Will.  I nodded as I sat on the bed.


Word Count: 385
Date Published: 2/22/23

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