Chapter nine

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We arrive at the park a while later.  We all sit on the swings as we talk for a little bit.

"How's the rest of the party?"  Will ask's me.  I shrug.

"Max doesn't talk to anyone anymore.  It's like she's not even there anymore.  She's really depressed.  Dustin is just, Dustin I guess."  I shrug again, "and Lucas joined the basketball team to become popular so he rarely speaks to us anymore unless we talk to him first."

"I don't believe it."  Will grins.

"You'll see this summer."  I laugh.

"Max has written to me a lot."  El points out.

"She probably doesn't want you knowing anything is wrong."  I say.

We talk for a while until it was about one.  Then we started heading back to the house.

"You know, California's not that bad.  I mean the people suck for sure, but California itself isn't a bad place at all."  Will says as we near his house.  El nod's in agreement.

We walk into Will's and El's house, Jonathan and Joyce were still gone.

"What should we do now?"  I ask the two others.

"Lunch?"  El asks.

We all go to the kitchen, make ourselves lunch and eat quickly.

The rest of the day was pretty tame.  We watched a few movies, played a few bored games, ate dinner with Jonathan and Joyce, then El and I hung out in Will's room as he began painting.

"Will, we really do need to talk about Ezra."  El says quietly.

"Again?  Guys, I'm alright."  He says with a fake smile.

"I, we, don't believe that."  I say while looking at him.  He looks back to his painting quickly. 

"Well I am."  He says quietly.

El stands up, "I'm going to go to bed.  Goodnight Will, night Mike."  She gives me a look as she leaves and mouths the words 'convince him.'  My heart was racing faster.

I stand up and walk over to him, inches apart from him.  Will's gaze remains on his painting but he put his brush down.

"Look at me, please."  I ask him quietly.  He hesitates before looking at me.  I realized that he's almost as tall as me now.  What the fuck.

"What, Mike?"  He ask's, "I'm not leaving him."

"I would treat you better."  I say while looking at him in the eyes.  He only looks at me with confusion.

"What does that mean?"  He asks.  My heart was racing.  I'm not even thinking about what I'm saying anymore.  I'm only focused on Will breaking up with Ezra.

"If you were my boyfriend."  I say quietly.  I watch his face turn a slight color of red which gave me a hope that I was breaking through with him.

He looks at a lost for words.

"You don't deserve the shit he puts you through."  I grab his hand and my heart starts beating faster at the fact that he doesn't protest or pull away from me.

He doesn't say anything though, he just looks at me.  He looks like he wants to say something but decides against it.

"I can't ask you to be my boyfriend if you're dating a douchebag."


Word Count: 535
Date Published: 2/22/23

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