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It's officially been ten years since Will and I started dating. Four year's since we've gotten married. Surprisingly, not a lot has changed. But at the same time, everything had changed.

We have a shared apartment right outside of Hawkins. We also have a white cat named Leah.

I work as a computer programmer, Will works as a elementary school teacher. He said he loves working with little kid's. For the life of me I can't understand why. But he really likes his job.

We still are close with the party. Will still think's of El as a sister though so we see her more then anyone else.

Dustin and Suzie moved to Utah together so we rarely saw them. They got married and have a one year old boy named Adam.

Max and Lucas are dating, they have been since after Highschool. I'm happy for them. They're actually in couples counseling to deal with how they react to certain situations or something like that. El stayed single and went to college. She actually started her own business.

We visit Will's family a lot. More then mine. Mainly because Will's family was more supportive. A lot more supportive.

My mom said she would arrange a marriage for me until the 'feeling' went away. I'm not interlay sure what that meant but it was stupid. My dad on the other hand started calling me slurs. He hit me, although I've never told anyone that. It was only once so it wasn't that big of a deal to me. Nancy kind of just cut contact with all of us after she moved out to college so she didn't really have a reaction to it. Holly was really happy for us, even if she was still young when we told her.

I knew what my parents reactions would be. So I made sure I did it without Will being there. I didn't want it scaring him.

It was a lot easier to tell Will's family. Joyce was beyond supportive. She and El actually planned most of our wedding. Jonathan was also happy for both of us. He made a few jokes about when we were younger which we all found funny.

Overall, I would say thing's turned out alright. Will and I are incredibly happy together. Sometimes we argue but they aren't bad. I try my best not to get upset or mad at him. I know he's gone through a lot and I want him to be happy with me.

And I think he is.


Word Count: 431
Dats Published: 2/23/23

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