Chapter three

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Will walks into the room and shuts the door quietly.  He looks fragile, scared even.

"El said you wanted to talk?"  He asks quietly while looking to the floor.  I was staring at him until he looked back up at me.

"Right, yeah, no, I did."  I stutter over my own words as I look away from him and down back at the ground.  He nods.

"About what?"

"Are thing's between us okay?"  I ask quietly, still looking to the ground.

"Of course they are.  Why wouldn't they be?"  He asks while sitting down beside me.

"Don't give me that bullshit."  I look at him.  He looks back down to the ground.

"Thing's between us are fine, Mike."  He says.

"You didn't say one word to me all day."  I point out.  "After not seeing me for months?  That doesn't seem very 'fine' of us."  I say with more annoyance in my voice.

Will was silent for a long time.  His leg was bouncing up and down but I didn't know what else to do.  He wouldn't talk to me.

"I figured you and El would want to spend time together."  He shrugs.  He was quiet though.  Like something else was bothering him.

"She's my friend, Will.  Of course I want to spend time with her.  But that doesn't mean I don't want to spend time with you."  I say while looking to the floor again.  He was quiet for a while before talking again.

"I'm sorry, Mike."  He says quietly.  I sigh. 

"It's fine."  I look back at him.  Our eyes meet and he looks forward quickly.

"Maybe tomorrow we can go do something?"  He half asks, "just the two of us?"

I nod eagerly.  He smiles.  God I've missed him.  I didn't realize how how much I've missed him.

In a friend way though.

I've missed El too.


Word Count: 318
Date Published: 2/22/23

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