Chapter twelve

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*this chapter will be told from Will's pov for the sake of the story.*


I drag Ezra to my bedroom and shut the door.  I probably should have just broken up with him in the living room but I didn't want Mike and El to have to intervene.  I didn't want either one of them to get hurt.

"What's this about?"  He asks sternly.

"I want to break up."  I say bluntly.  Of course he got angry in a matter of milliseconds.

"Why?!  Am I not good enough for you?  Is there someone better then me?"  He asks angrily.  I know he's referring to Mike and that made me anxious.

"I'm not happy in our relationship."  I say, standing my ground, he steps closer to me, pushing me against the wall.

"You need me, Will.  Remember?  You won't make it without me."  He spat.  "You're nothing without me!"

"I don't need you."  I reply, "I never did."

"You're lying."  He says, "why are you thinking like this?  Do I need to teach you another lesson?"  His hand went to my shoulder and my heart started racing as he ran his hand up to the side of my neck.

"Let go of me, Ezra."  I say quietly while looking at him.  His other hand moves to the other side of my neck.

"Do I need to put you in your place?"  He asks with a tone I hated.  It was the same kind of tone my dad used to use on me.

I wanted to yell at him to get the fuck out and never talk to me again, but that definitely wouldn't end well.

"Let go of me."  I repeat.  "And get out."

"You need me."  He says coldly.  "You'll be crawling back next week."

"I doubt that.  Now get out."  I say.  He threw my onto the floor by my neck and started taking my shirt off.  I instinctively kicked him in the stomach and he held my arms down.

"Get off of me."  I kick him again but of course it doesn't do anything.

"You're weak.  That's why you need me, Will.  Without me you're nothing."  His voice rang in my head and I began to feel light headed.

"Get off."  I say again.

He tries to take my shirt off again, taking his hands off my arms.  I kick him again and grab a handful of his hair, twisting it and then kicking him in the side so he fell off of me.

"Get out!"  I yell at him as he stands up.  I open the door so he won't try anything else.  He knew not to do anything in front of people.

He mutters a threat and storms out of my room, out of the house.

Next week is going to be fun.


Word Count: 475
Date Published: 2/22/23

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