Chapter seven

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The next morning was great.

Will, El and I cooked breakfast together.  Jonathan had to work and Joyce had to visit someone for her work.  So it was just us three in the house for the whole day.

We made pancakes, eggs, and bacon for breakfast.

Will threw a handful of flower at El.  Him and I then broke into laughter.  She grabbed two handfuls of flower and threw them at both of us.

A few more handfuls of flower were thrown before the doorbell rang.

Everyone just looked at one another.

Will washed his hands quickly and wiped off his clothes the best he could. 

He walked over to the door and opened it. 

Although I couldn't see him, I knew it was Ezra by the voice. 

He didn't ask to come in, he kind of just did. 

Who does this guy think he is?

Will looked anxious, like I would say something.  Of course I was mad that Ezra was in eyesight of me right now, but I wouldn't say anything.

"What are you guys up to?"  Ezra ask as Will moves back over to the stove to continue making pancakes.

"Making breakfast."  Was Will's reply.

I can tell Ezra didn't like me being there.  He kept glaring at me and moving between Will and I.  It was starting to piss me off.

"What are you guys doing today?"  Ezra asks as we all sit down at the table to eat.  I noticed Will didn't have a lot on his plate which also made me upset.

"Just hanging out."  Will shrugs.

"Are you staying here now?"  Ezra asks me suddenly.  I nod.

"For the week."  I say shortly.  He nods back.

"Where you from?"  He asks.

"Hawkins, Indiana."  I say as I take another sip of my water.

"So how do you guys know each other?"  He asks with a sneer in his voice, motioning between Will and I.  What's this guy's problem?

"I already told you this, Ezra."  Will says quietly while picking at his food. 

"I forgot."  He shrugs. 

"We grew up together.  Mike is my best friend."  Will say's while looking at him in the eyes.  My heart starts beating faster.  I had started to doubt if Will and I were still best friends.  Hearing him say that felt like a weight off my shoulders.

Ezra nods, clearly mad which made me happy.

El and I clean off the dishes after we were all done eating.  Will and Ezra sit on the couch watching tv.

"I don't like him."  I mutter to El.

"Neither do I."  She grins.  "There isn't much we can do about it if Will doesn't want to leave him."

"He's to scared too."  I say quietly.  The sound of running water drowned out our voices.

"We have to convince him.  Somehow."  She says quietly.  I look to the couple on the couch, Ezra's arm around Will tightly.

"Yeah."  I mumble as we continue to do the dishes.



Word Count: 505
Date Published: 2/22/23

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