Chapter seventeen

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The next morning I couldn't even eat.

The party all showed up around 11:30.  The Byers plane landed at around 12:15.

My mom drove us to the airport and we waited a while.

"Have they changed at all?"  Dustin asks me.  I hesitated a bit but shook my head.

"No.  Not really."

"Do you think they'll be happy to see us?"  Max asks.  I nod.

"Yeah.  They will be."  I say confidently.  Although Lucas hadn't talked to us much recently, he seemed excited too.

Eventually they're plane landed and people started getting off.  My heart started racing faster and faster.

"Mike.  You good?"  Dustin hits my shoulder and I nod, not removing my gaze from the door.

"Fine.  Just excited."  It's not technically a lie.

We saw the Byers leave the hallway and walk into the airport.  El smiles and hits Wills arm before grabbed his arm and drags him as she runs over to us.

She hugged Max tightly, letting go of Will's hand.

"Geez El, ow."  He complains before looking at me.  He's as tall as me now.

That bitch.

"Hi."  He says with a smile.  He hugs me surprisingly.  I mean, it shouldn't be a surprise.  But somehow I am.

I hug him back tightly.  This is all I've wanted for months and it was finally happening.

He finally pulls away with me with a smile.  Dustin shoves me out of the way to hug him.  I roll my eyes and hug El who had a smile on her face.  Max was smiling for the first time in months.

Lucas hugs them both quickly and Joyce and Jonathan walk over to us. 

We had to go to the baggage claim to get they're stuff.  Will and I walked in the back of the group, Lucas and Dustin in front of us, Max and El in front of them, and Jonathan and Joyce and my mom all walked in front.

"How have things been?"  I ask while looking at him.  I nod's.

"Fine."  He say's shortly.  I know he's lying almost immediately but I decide to wait to ask him questions. 

"How have thing's been here?"  He asks while looking at the party.  "You really weren't kidding, were you."  He grins.  I laugh a little.

"Nope.  Thing's have pretty much just been the same."  I shrug.

We got to the baggage claim and Jonathan and Joyce got all the suitcases and bags.

I grab Will's backpack out of Jonathan's hands with a smirk.  Will look's at me.

"Give it back."  He grins.

"Nope."  I throw the strap over my shoulder and he shakes his head.

"I can carry my own bag, Mike."  He says with a smile.  God I love his smile.  I've missed it so much.  I've missed him so much.

"I can carry it too."  I joke with him.  He laughs.

The group start's walking again so Will dropped it.

Joyce had apparently rented a car so we loaded they're stuff into the car.

We had all agreed that after the Byers were done unpacking and everything the party and I would all go over to they're house to catch up and everything.  I wanted to talk to Will alone but I knew that probably wouldn't happen for a few day's.

I watched as the Byers drove off towards they're summer house.


Word Count:  566
Date Published: 2/23/23

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