Chapter eight

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"Do you guys want to go to the park?"  El ask's the two boy's once we're done with the dishes.  Will look's at us like he want's to but Ezra speaks for him anyway.

"That's for kids."  He says, almost in disgust. 

It's then that it hits me how much we've all grown up.  That's weird.

"It's still fun."  El says encouragingly.

"I want to go."  Will says while looking at Ezra.  Ezra only glares at him and he looks back down to the ground.

"You two can go."  Ezra says to El and I.

"We want to go as a group."  I lie.  I want to go with Will.

"Well we're not going."  His grip around Will tightened and Will visibly got more anxious and tense.

"We can do something else."  Will suggests quietly.

"Like what?"  El asks him kindly.

Ezra scoffs and Will shrugs his shoulders while still looking to the ground.

"Maybe we could-"  Will was caught off guard as Ezra stood up abruptly and looked down at him.

"Do whatever the hell you want.  I'm leaving."  He says aggressively.  He walks around El and I and walked out of the front door, slamming it behind him.

"Alright.  Let's go to the park."  Will says with a fake smile as he gets up.

"Will, you need to leave him."  El says quietly.  Will knew this already. 

"I'm not.  I'm okay guys, really.  I am."  He says while walking towards the front door.  "Let's go."


Word Count: 255
Date Published: 2/22/23

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