Chapter twenty

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The next morning Will, El and I all got ready for the day.  Will let me barrow some of his clothes since I didn't bring any the day before.

We made a plan with the party to meet up at my house since I knew my parents would be out for the day with Holly.  Nancy had been staying over at Ally's house so she didn't have to see Jonathan.  I wasn't sure when exactly they broke up but it was for something stupid.  At least that's what she said.

Joyce drove the three of us to my house since none of us had bikes with us.

She dropped us off and Will, El and I walked into my house.  No one was here yet and I figured we had at least an hour until everyone was here.

I still can't believe Will is my boyfriend now.  That's weird.  I'm definitely happy, beyond happy.  But somehow confused.

"Should we wait outside for them?"  El asks us.  Will shrugs and they both look at me.

"Sure."  I say.  I was unsure but we went back outside anyway and just sat on the lawn.

Not long after that Lucas showed up, followed by Max, then Dustin.

We all sat around in a circle.  It was weird.  We're all so old now.  When did that happen?

"So how does it feel being back?"  Dustin asks them. 

"Good."  El says with a smile.

"Definitely better then California."  Will says sarcastically.

"How was the school?  My old friends go there."  Max asks.  We all know her dad lived in California but I didn't know her old friends went to the same Highschool.

"It's alright."  Will and El both say at the same time, causing them both to laugh a bit.

"The school is nice."  Will says with a smile.

"The people aren't."  El says while looking at him.  He goes kind of quiet and looks to the grass.

"Did someone do something?"  Lucas asks, looking at both of them confused.

"Just some stupid bullies.  Like in every other school."  He says with a shrug while looking at El.

"Is California cool?  I mean, besides the bullies."  Lucas asks.

"The weather is better then it is here."  El says with a smile.  Max nods in agreement.

"The school work is actually a lot easier as well."  Will says like he suddenly remembered his grades.

"Lucky."  Dustin mutters.  Everyone laughs.

We all talk for a while longer before we go inside and walk down to my basement.  I wasn't sure how Will wanted to tell them.  Did he want to tell them?  Did he want me too?  How do we bring up that conversation?  What the fuck.

We probably should have talked about this before but I'm not that smart and Will probably wasn't thinking.

We all sat down around the room.  Will, El and I all sat on the small couch with Will in the middle, me on the left and El on the right.  Max sat on the staircase and Dustin and Lucas each pulled up a chair.

"How is the Highschool here?"  El ask's the group.  Everyone shrugs.

"Not what I expected."  Dustin say's while looking at Lucas.

"Yeah me either."  He say's, glancing at Max a few time's.  She doesn't say anything.

"It would be better if you guy's still lived here.  It's incredibly boring."  I say to Will and El. 

"I'm offended."  Dustin say's dramatically.  We all laugh.

I was listening to conversation but I was also so lost in my thoughts.  Were we supposed to tell them now or wait?  Should I just wait for Will to bring it up?  Would he bring it up?

"Hey Mike, you have any snacks?"  Dustin ask's while standing up.  I nod.

"In the kitchen."  I say, still in my thoughts.

He run's up the stairs and everyone follows him except me.  Will must have noticed because he moved so he was facing me.

"When should we tell them?"  I ask while looking at him.  He shrugs.  I noticed he was picking at his fingers more, they were slightly starting to bleed.  I remember he always did this when we were younger.  Sometimes it would get so bad to the point where he would have to wear Baid-aids on all his fingers everyday.

"When they come back down?  If you want too?"  He asks quietly.  I nod.

"Do you want me to tell them?"  I ask him.  I knew the answer would be yes so it wasn't a big surprise when he nodded.  I grab his hands so he stop's picking at them.

"Relax, alright?"  I ask him gently.  He nods slowly.

Not long after that everyone came back and took they're seats again.

"Guy's I have to tell you something very important."  I say, more sarcastically then I meant to.  Will laughed unintentionally, causing me to laugh.  Because El knew what this was about, she started laughing too.

"What the hell just happened."  Max say's, starting to laugh as well.

"Alright, alright."  Will say's as everyone calm's down.

"Alright."  I take a small deep breath.  I have no doubt that they'll support us.  But it was still nerve racking.

"Will and I are dating."  I say, more quickly then I meant too.  El was smiling, so was Will but he was looking at the floor.

"For how long?"  Dustin gasps in surprise.

"Last night, after you all left."  I say truthfully.  He look's surprised, but supportive.

"I'm happy for you both."  Max say's with a smile.  I know we haven't always gotten along great.  But I'm grateful she's supportive.

"Same.  I'm glad you're both happy."  Lucas says to us.  I'm a bit surprised by his reaction but I'm glad he's supportive.

"El, you already knew?"  Max ask's her.  She shrugs with a smile.

"I assumed."  She eyes the both of us and we all laugh a little.

"Can you guys not tell anyone else though?  At least for right now."  Will asks quietly, still looking at the floor.  I realized I was still holding his hand.

Everyone agrees supportively and I could feel Will relax.

I'm glad they're all so supportive.  I don't know what I would do without them.


Word Count: 1,045
Date Published: 2/23/23

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