Chapter nineteen

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Joyce let me spend the night.

We didn't really do anything except cuddle which I was fine with.  We sat in Will's room, laying on his bed.  He laid on my chest as he was drawing in his sketchbook.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a while before he began talking.

"My dad called us a few week's ago."  He say's randomly, almost casually.

"What?  Why?  How?"  I ask him.  He doesn't look away from his drawing.

"Ezra somehow got into contact with him. I guess he thought that my mom would take him back and he would come back to the house and hurt us again?  I don't even know.  It's stupid."  He says while erasing a few line's.

"What's wrong with him!"  I say while holding Will closer to me.  He smiles up at me.

"Like I said, he's stupid."  He shrugs.  "Are we telling people?  About us?"  He asks, completely changing the subject.  I think for a minute before answering.

"Do you want too?"  I ask him.

"I want to tell the party."  He says quietly.  "If you want to.  We don't have to if you don't want too."  He adds quickly while looking back at his notebook.  I smile softly even though I know he can't see it.

"We can tell them.  I'm sure El already know's.  I think Dustin suspects something as well."  I say.  I see him smile but he doesn't say anything else.

A few more minutes of comfortable silence go by.  I watch as he continues to draw.

"What are you drawing?"  I ask him.

"El wanted me to draw a picture of her."  He says with a shrug.

"Can you draw me after?"  I ask him.  He laughs a little.


He concentrated on his drawing for a little bit before he put the notebook and pencil down next to him and looked at me.

"When are we going to tell the party?"  He asks.

"Whenever you want too." 

"Tomorrow?"  He asks quietly.  I nod in agreement.

"Sure."  I smile at him.


Word Count: 350
Date Published: 2/23/23

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