Chapter eighteen

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The party waited at my house for a few hours before Joyce called and told us we could come over. 

I called to my mom and she agreed to drive us again since no one brought they're bikes.

We got to the house within fifteen minutes.

Will and El were waiting outside.  The house was small which I expected.  It was about the same size as they're old one.

We all walked up to them and we all walked inside and sat down in the living room.  I sat down next to Will on the couch, El, Max and Lucas sat down on the other couch and Lucas pulled up a chair from the kitchen.

We began talking about school, new hobbies, new friends.  Then of course Dustin was the one to bring relationship's up.

I realized that somehow he was the only one who was actually dating someone right now.

What the fuck.

"So, Will."  He begins.  Will rolls his eyes.

"No, I do not have a girlfriend."  He answers before Dustin could even ask the question.  Everyone laughs.

"So, El."  He asks while turning to her.  She shakes her head.

"Nope."  She answers.

"Are you and Suzie still together?"  Will asks him.  Dustin nod's proudly.

"Almost a year next month." 

"Lucas?"  He asks.  He shakes his head almost immediately.  Everyone laughs, including Max surprisingly.

"Max?"  Dustin was laughing as he asked her.  She shook her head with a smile.

"Mike?"  He asks with a smirk.  I think he caught on a little bit about Will but I shook my head.

"No, Dustin."  It wasn't technically a lie.

"You guy's are losers."  He jokes. 

"You're a loser."  Max says with a grin.

We talk about everything that's changed and how much we've all grown up.  I hadn't realized how much had really changed until that moment. 

After a while of talking Lucas had to go to some family thing so his parents had to pick him up.  Max had to get back home before her mom got out of work so she left as well.  Dustin also had to leave because he had to meet up with Eddie to plan a D&D campaign.

"I'll let you guys talk."  El grins and stands up, leaving the room.  Of course she would say that.

"Okay.  So how have thing's really been?"  I ask while looking at him.  He laugh's a little weakly.

"What gave me away?"

"I can tell."  I shrug.  "What happened?"

"Nothing.  I'm happy now."  He says quietly while looking at me.  I smile.

"I'm glad."  I nod.  He smiles back.

"You didn't get back together with him?"  I ask quietly.  He shakes his head.

"Nope.  I don't want to be with him.  I never did."  He admits.

"So why were you?"  I ask him.  He shrugs.

"Honestly I don't even know."  He says with a smile.

I've missed his smile so much.

"What now?"  He finally asks quietly.  I know what he's talking about somehow just by looking at him.  I felt my heart start to race even more.

"That's up to you.  If you think you're ready we can be together.  If not I'll wait."  I look at him with a soft smile.  His face was slightly red as he looked at me.  He nod's.

"I want to be together.  I'm ready."  He says confidently but quietly.  I nod with a smile.

"You sure?"  I ask him quietly.  He nod's.

"Very sure."


Word Count: 584
Date Published: 2/23/23

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