Chapter six

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"Will?  Why don't you like your dad?"  We were in my basement.  He had come over unexpectedly, apparently he walked all the way to my house.  It was the summer between first and second grade.

His face had this emotionless but terrified look.  Like he wanted to disappear.  Like he just witnessed something he wanted to forget.

It was a look you could never forget.  He looked small, confused, hurt.  He looked so spaced out and emotionless to the world around him.  Like he was dazed.

"He hurts me."  Will says quietly while looking to the floor.  We were sitting on the new couch that my dad had just bought.

"On purpose?"  I ask, beyond confused.  Why would someone's dad want to hurt their own kid?

Will nods silently.


"I don't know."  He sighs.  "It's scary.  He hurts my mom and brother too and I just want it all to be over."  I knew he was crying and I felt my chest get heavy.

I wrapped him in a hug and he hugged me back, crying into my shoulder.

"I want it to be over, Mike."  He repeats.

At the time I didn't understand what he meant by that.  I was to young to understand.  He grew up to fast and that fact always made my heart break even more.

I would only find out what he meant two years later after his first attempt.

Will moves back to where he was sitting.  He had a smile on his face but it wasn't the same one as before.  It was a fake one.

"You alright?"  I ask him.  He shakes out of whatever trance he was in and nods.

"Yeah, sorry."  He takes a sip of his drink.

"You know you can talk to me."  I say quietly while looking at him.

"I know."  He nods.  "My mom will be here soon, let's go."

Not pushing the subject any further, we get up from the table and take our drinks with us.  We walk outside and found Joyce waiting for us.

The ride home was quiet.  Same as when we got home.

Will almost immediately went into his room and shut his door.  I didn't want to bother him anymore so I went to see what El was doing.

She was writing in her notebook, she always left her door open a crack so I knock and open it all the way.

"Hey, can we talk?"  I ask her.  She nods and pats her bed, motioning me to sit down.  I close the door behind me and sit down on the bed.

"I hate Ezra."  I sigh. 

"He told you?"  She assumes.  I look at her.

"You knew?" 

"I was the first person to know."  She grins proudly.  "Not the point though.  Why don't you like him?"

I explained what happened at lunch and how Will was acting.  She shifted uncomfortably towards the end.

"I'm sure he wasn't expecting to see him there."  She finally shrugs. 

I didn't buy it.  Mainly because of the way she was acting now.

"You know something, El.  Tell me."  I tried to not sound mean but it didn't work.

"You have to talk to him, Mike.  I can't tell you.  I promised I wouldn't."  She says quietly while picking up her notebook and pen once more.  I sigh and stand up, knowing I won't get any answers out of her.

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