Chapter eleven

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The next morning we were all up and awake before Will.

I sat at the table eating my breakfast with El.  Jonathan was getting ready to go to work and Joyce was in her office already working.  I explained to El what happened last night and she seemed happy.  She wasn't upset or angry like I thought she would be which I was insanely grateful for.

As we were talking we heard Will's door open.  He looked like he hadn't slept a lot which made me slightly upset, not mad or angry though.

"There's some waffles on a plate for you on the counter if you want them!"  El calls to him.

"Thanks, El."  He says quietly as he makes his way to the kitchen.

El runs into the kitchen with him.  I'm not sure what they're talking about but I wanted to know.

A few minutes later they both walk out to the table, El sitting across from me and Will sitting a chair down from her.

"Are you going to break up with him?"  El asks Will quietly.  He hesitates for a while before nodding slowly.

"I'm going to try, at least."  He says quietly, not removing his gaze from the table.

El smiles brightly and my heart starts racing faster.

"When?"  El asks quickly.

"Today.  He's supposed to come here for a little bit so I'm planning on doing it then.  You two can go and hang out while he's here so you don't have to listen to it."  He shrugs like it was nothing.

"Yeah, we're not doing that."  El says.

"We're staying here."  I say.  Will was quiet but he nods.

The rest of the morning Will didn't talk at all.  I knew he was overthinking it a lot.  El tried to comfort him as I washed off our dishes.

We watched a movie and half of one before the door bell rang.  Will jumped and let out a breath.

"We're here, alright?"  El says to him.  He nods and gets up to answer the door.

He opens it and Ezra walks in, ignoring him.

"You're still here?"  He looks at me.  Will shut the front door with an eye roll.

"He's staying the week, we told you this yesterday."  He says, he sounded annoyed but obviously Ezra couldn't tell that.

"We have to talk,"  Will grabs his arm and leads him to his bedroom.

"Why?"  We heard Ezra ask.  Wills response was muffled and El and I looked at each other, afraid for our best friend.


Word Count: 430
Date Published: 2/22/23

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