Chapter ten

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"You don't mean that."  He says quietly, finally pulling his hand away from mine.

I did mean it.  I do mean it.  I love him, it's always been him.  It will always be him.  Of course he doesn't believe me.  It's Will.  Why would be believe me?

"I do."  I say just as quiet as he was.

"He'll actually kill you, Mike."  He says, his voice rising a little above a whisper.  "He'll kill us."

"It's not like we haven't escaped death before."  I joke.  He surprisingly laughs with a small head shake.

"That's different."  He smiles.  God I love his smile.

"Oh yeah, we escaped death from an alternate dimension filled with monsters but we'll die from a random guy in California.  Yeah, that's pretty different."  I say sarcastically with a grin.  He laughs again.

"You know what I mean, Mike."  He says with a small smile.

"I just want you to be happy, Will, okay?"  I say, "it doesn't have to be with me.  But you won't be happy with Ezra either."  I add quietly.  He looks at me, like he wants to say something but doesn't know how to say it.

"Are you only saying that so I break up with him?"  He asks, unsureness was clear in his voice.  He wanted to believe me, I could tell.  But he was scared I was lying which I understand.

"I wouldn't lie to you about this, Will."  I say quietly.  It was the truth.  I would never lie to him about something this big.

He was quiet for a few minutes.  He looked so conflicted it hurt.  I smile softly at him.

"Think about it, alright?  I'm going to go to bed, we'll talk about it in the morning."  I say softly.  He nods quietly, still looking at me.

"Night, Will."  I smile and turn to leave.  I heard a quiet 'goodnight, Mike.' As I close the door behind me.


Word Count: 330
Date Published: 2/22/23

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