Classes and Letters

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The next morning Draco and Damara had gotten ready and headed down to the great hall for breakfast. "Hello, who are you?" A boy about Draco's age looked at Damara and said, "I'm Theodore I transferred here." Damara smiled and said, "Nice to meet you Theo. I'm Damara Malfoy and over their is my brother Draco. What year are you?" Theo looked confused on why this small girl is talking to him and said, "2nd year. I believe your brother is in my year." Damara smiled then a paper was presented in front of her and it was her god father Severus and she smiled. "Hello Uncle Severus." Severus gave her the same look and said, "Damara. Please be on time with your classes like your private tutors." Damara smiled and said, "You know I'll always be. Not like my brother." Severus nodded walking away and Damara saw that everyone was surprised by this interaction. She ignored it and ate her breakfast.

After breakfast she headed to Potions class where she was able to see her God father. She got their 20 minutes early and sat in a seat that was suited for her. She saw her Godfather as he looked up he kinda looked shock on how early she was and said, "Why are you here 20 minutes early?"  Damara shrugged and said, "It's better to be early than late and I don't have any friends yet." Severus nodded as he kept working on some things for class. Finally students were pilling in and sitting at tables and waited for the class started. "My name is Professor Snape and I am the Potion's teacher. We will be learning 3 potions today so please take out your books."

After Potions was done which Damara enjoyed since Potions was kinda easy for her. She headed straight to Charms class and see saw a small man and she sat in her seat where she sat beside a blonde head and the Weasley girl. She smiled at the Weasley girl and the girl gave her a small smile. "I'm Damara Malfoy. You Ginny Weasley right?" The girl nodded then a girl beside her said, "I'm Luna Lovegood. Would you 2 like to be friends with me?" Ginny and Damara looked at each other and smiled giving each other a nod. Professor Flitwick had taught them Wingardium Leviosa.

During lunch Damara sat with her brother and they were currently eating when an owl fell down. Letting go of a letter for Damara to catch and she looked at it and it was from her mother. She opened it and her mother had said that she and her were gonna meet someone but to not tell her brother or father and to be ready and dinner and meet and Severus's class. Damara finished the last of her classes and got dressed and met with her mother at Severus's class and they headed out.

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