Slytherin Vs Gryffindor and the 1st Petrification

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Finally the day everyone had waited for. Slytherin's and Gryffindors come together for the Quidditch game. Damara was cheering for her brother of course because she knew her father would be watching. Lucius had brought brooms for the team so that Draco could be on the team. The game on went on for a bit as Gryffindors cheered for Harry and the Chasers and Slytherins cheered on Draco and the Chasers. Damara kept an eye out on her brother seeing if he had seen the snitch yet. Those buggers are very quick and she would know for her brother would show her different games. Damara was also huge into Quidditch like her brother but her father would never accept her for being on the team. Slytherins don't believe girls should be playing Quidditch but her mother always told her to follow what she wanted.

Damara saw that Draco saw the snitch and followed right after Harry. But his broom got stuck on a wooden thing and he flew off his broom and landed onto the ground. He looked like he was in but then after words Harry got the snitch but broke his arm. She saw that Ginny went down to go check on him. Ginny saw that Damara was still in the stands giving her signs on what was happening. Ginny had told her that Harry's arm in broken and will be needing to go to the hospital wing. Damara nodded and ran to the hospital wing to see Draco groaning in pain. She walked over and said, "Draco are you ok?" Draco groaned and said, "That was really bad."

Then she saw Gryffindor bringing in Harry which Draco glared at. "Draco I know you don't like Harry but it is kind of rude to glare like that." Draco rolled his eyes but she kept groaning when Madame Pomfrey came in telling Draco he could leave running to Harry but Draco wasn't having it and just laid there. After a bit it was time for everyone to leave but Damara didn't want to but Madame Pomfrey made her. "Good night Draco." Damara looked at Draco with a smiled and Draco smiled back saying, "Good night Damara. Get to the common room safe alright?" Damara nodded going back to the common room."

On the way there she kept hearing things which made her stop and turn around. She grabbed one of her mirrors as she kept walking. Glancing every once in awhile but the time she got to the door she glanced and saw 2 glowing eyes and the next she knew everything went dark. The next day Draco had woken up with Dumbledore and Severus beside another bed. Then he saw his mother and father as well and said, "What's going on?" They all turned to Draco and he saw his mother with tears in her eyes and Draco got up and looked to see his sister pale looking which made him confused. "Why does she look like that?" Severus looked at Draco and said, "You sister was petrified and is the very 1st victim." Draco looked astonished and just ran. Bumping into Weaslette and Lovegood. Explaining to them what's going on and just went to the common room and cried.

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