Sirius Black

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Ginny and Damara were sitting at the Gryffindor table with hearing her brother complaining about the pain he was in. Ginny rolled her eyes and said, "You're brother complains so much huh?" Damara nodded when Seamus came over with a paper yelling that someone had been spotted. "Who?" Damara asked walking over to Seamus as Seamus smiled glad that Damara was standing near him. Harmione grabbed the paper and said, "Dufftown! That's not far from here." Something about his name seemed so familiar to her but she didn't know how or why so it's time to write a letter to her mother. She quickly ran to her bedroom and grabbed some paper and quill to write to her mother.

Dear Mother,
I believe you have heard the news but a man by the name Sirius Black is running around freely.
Do I by any chance know this name for it seems familiar to me.
Please right soon.
Your daughter

Damara gave her note to Orion her brothers owl and headed to the rest of her classes. The next day was the day that 3rd years could go to Hogsmeade and she was kinda jealous of this. Draco walked over and said, "Sis, I know that you are jealous but I will get you treats. How does that sound?" She nodded as she watched Draco leave with his friends when someone accidentally bumped into her. "Damara! I'm so sorry." Damara saw that it was Seamus smiling as she said, "No need to apologize. Who are you going with?" Seamus then heard his name get called and he looked behind him to see 2 dudes as he said, "Dean Thomas and Neville Longbottom. I've got to go but we do need to hangout." Damara nodded watching Seamus leave as the boys pat him on the back for no reason but she ignored it. She went back inside and found Luna and Ginny reading and Damara sat beside them and said, "I think I may like Seamus." Ginny looked up immediately with Luna gently smiling and Ginny said, "Why do you say that?"
Damara looked down and said, "I bumped into earlier and I had butterflies in my stomach." Ginny smiled at Damara giggling when in the library came in an owl and it was Orion and he dropped a letter as it was from her mother.

Dear Sweetheart,
Sirius Black is your 1st cousin once removed. He's related to you and Draco. Please keep each other safe.
Your mother

Damara looked scared at these words and just new she had to tell Draco.

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