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Damara was at the Weasley house and the twins were spending it with them. Damara was sitting with Remus, Tonks, Arthur, and Harry talking about her brother. When Damara said, "Draco spoke about me being the future bride of the dark lord if he didn't. I believe he did it to protect me. They nodded when everyone went their separate way. Damara stood on a balcony when she felt hand on her waist and she looked up to see her boyfriend. "You feeling ok?' Damara nodded breathing in the air and said, "I'm just nervous for my brother is all that I can say." George put his face in her neck giving it small kisses when all the sudden their was cackling and she looked down to see her aunt. All the sudden everyone was fire and everyone was able to get out and George held his gf. Everything was burning in front of them which was the saddest thing.
    After month it was super dark when she was walking but hid in a corner to see her brother, godfather, aunt, and followers of the dark lord. With Harry following behind Damara quickly ran behind to see Dumbledore on the ground and her mouth quickly covered by her hand with tears. She didn't think that he would actually do it and she saw that Harry was with Ginny being held by her and everyone brought their wand up to clear the dark sky.
    Narcissa made sure that Damara didn't come back home and had Tonks take her in for she didn't want her daughter to suffer from the same fate as she did.

(So sorry that it was short. Didn't see much scenes from this movie for her to be in.)

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