Professor Toad Umbridge

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As the train came to a stop Damara went to go find Draco so that she could walk with him. She found him as she was getting off and ran over to him and said, "Can I ride with you?" Draco nodded as he strutted with his sister by his sister then saw Potter. "I'm surprised to see you walking around free. I bet their is a prison in Azkaban with your name on it." That made Harry mad as he tried to attack him and Draco pushed Damara back and Harry yelled, "Just stay away from me." Damara stayed back and said, "I'm sorry Harry." Harry looked at Damara and said, "You're not your brother." "Damara!!" Draco yelled for his sister and Damara ran toward Draco as she got unto the carriage and they headed to the school. After getting their Damara, Draco, and Blaise all sat together at the Slytherin table.
She looked up at the Professor table and saw a familiar face she disgraces for years. "That's Dolores Umbridge. She was my cotillion teacher." Draco was looking at her and realized that grabbing his sister hand. "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. We have a few new things here at Hogwarts. Professor Levers is taking over while Hagrid is away on temporarily leave. We have a new DADA Professor that the Ministry has graciously given us. Professor Dolores Umbridge and I hope you give her the Hogwarts warm welcome." Damara glared at the women as she watched Toad raise her hand and started this big speech.
Damara has heard so many of her speeches that she doesn't care at this point. After that she heard people cheering which she didn't do at any point and just ignored it. After dinner everyone went to their common rooms so that they could have a good night sleep. She didn't want to see Umbridge more than she had to what so ever. As they got to the common room all the Slytherin boys had been checking Damara out for her Veela and her growth spurt. Blaise and Draco pretty much just bodyguard her till she got to her room and went to sleep.


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