The Paper and School

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Damara had a growth spurt over the summer and her mother let her dye her hair. She looks so beautiful and her Veela has become stronger. Over the time she had been writing to George, Ginny, and Luna and over time she has fallen for the Red head tall boy. But the thing is that her parents would never allow her to be with a blood traitor. She headed down to the living room where she saw her mother and father. Lucius looked up and said, "Ahh, good morning Damara sweetheart. Are you excited for your 4th year?" Damara nodded then realized she hadn't seen Draco and said, "Father? Where's Draco?" Narcissa looked at her and said, "He went to the Zabini household because Blaise is transferring this year. So he went with his family to help them get his stuff." Damara nodded sitting down but then saw her father's paper had Harry on it. "Father what is Potter doing on your paper?" Lucius scoffed and said, "By the looks of it Dumbledore has been able to get the boy back to Hogwarts."
Narcissa looked at Damara and said, "Have you packed Darling?" Damara nodded but then Lucius said, "Oh that reminds me. Dolores Umbridge the one that did centillion with you when you were younger is the new DADA teacher." Fear had been brought onto Damara face for she did not like Umbridge but nodded as she went to her room. 'This is not good.' She thought to herself as she heard her mother yell, "Damara!! We have to go to the train now!!!" She grabbed her things and headed downstairs and saw the Zabini family as Mrs. Zabini said, "My! Damara, you have grown beautifully my dear. How old are you?" Damara smiled and said, "14 Mrs. Zabini and it's a pleasure to see you again as well."
Lucius then clapped and said, "Alright! Let's take these children to school. You Mr. Zabini and I need to have a business chat." Mr. Zabini nodded as they all aparated to the train and went through the wall. "Goodbye Draco and Damara. Please protect each other alright?? And remember you are the same year as Draco now since you did both 3rd and 4th year work." Damara nodded as Draco grabbed her hand and headed into the train to make it seem that they were gonna be in the same compartment. "Alright, go find Loony and Weaslette." Damara nodded as she found the compartment that Ginny was in. "Where is Luna?" Ginny shrugged and said, "I haven't talked to her at all the summer. I wrote letters but she didn't write back." This made Damara confused.
Then they heard the compartment door open and it was the twins came in. "Hello Fred, George." George smiled sitting beside Damara and said, "How are you? You look beautiful!" Damara blushed but thanked him and they talked about their summers and enjoyed the ride.


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