Chapter 4 - Hogsmeade adventure

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When Riley wakes up, she feels more rested than before. She managed to do all her homework yesterday. It was not as difficult as she expected, and it took her only around two hours. Now she's got a whole day to be with Sebastian. Technically afternoon, but who cares.

"Is Sebastian Sallow accompanying you today, miss Piper?" Professor Weasley stops Riley after lunch.

"Yes, professor," Riley says, trying not to sound too excited.

"Wonderful. He's very knowledgeable about the area. If you need anything, let me know." Professor Weasley says and disappears around the corner, and Riley is running to the Common Room, to get dressed. She's got an important trip. Finally, she can get her own supplies and her own wand. The one she's been using was borrowed from Professor Fig, which reminds her to go and return it tomorrow. Maybe ask about her past as well. 

Now it's time for the most important thing. Which scarf to wear? Which one compliments her robes the most, and makes her look her best? Should she wear a hat as well? And what about her hair? They may only be shoulder-length, but she needs to style them somehow to look good.

After a good 10 minutes of different scarves and hairstyle combinations, Riley decides to go with her favourite blue scarf with little golden keys, and hair simply down. What is happening to her? Why is she acting this way? He is just a fellow student she knows for not even a week. Yet he seems to be very friendly with her. What is this magical power he's got over her?

It's almost one o'clock and Riley is heading to the entrance. He's already there, waiting.

"There you are. Ready?" He asks when he spots Riley, who just smiles at him.

"Ready," Riley says and heads to the door, letting Sebastian lead the way.  

"Is this your first foray into the village?" Sebastian asks as they are walking through the gardens, ready to leave the castle.

"It is. I haven't left the castle since I arrived." There was nowhere really to go during this first week but classes, the library, and Crossed Wands.

"Well, I shall endeavour to be the very best of guides then. Hogsmeade's a charming little place. Self-contained, too. We should be able to find you everything you need." He says confidently, and Riley is trying her best not to jump as they walk side by side.

"Professor Weasley stopped me earlier on, asking me if you're accompanying me. Any idea why?" Riley asks as she cannot recall saying it to anyone. Not even Erin and Amit. 

"Probably checking if I was telling her the truth, or simply trying to avoid another detention." 

"Spend a lot of time in detention, do you?"

"Just enough to keep me well-rounded. Speaking of Weasley, she seems to have taken quite a shine to you." 

"Has she? That's nice to hear." Says Riley, beaming. She is falling in love with Hogwarts more and more every single day. 

As they are walking to Hogsmeade, the conversation is flowing. Sebastian is really easy to talk to, which Riley appreciates. That was the one thing she was really worried about. Uncomfortable silence, nothing to talk about. But he seems to be leading the conversation with ease. 

As they speak, it's very obvious to Riley that Sebastian really likes to break rules here and then. Especially when it comes to Restricted Section in the Library. The librarian seems to be in disagreement with Sebastian a lot. Or, as he says, 'it's a matter of differing opinions'. Without being biased, Riley feels like she agrees with Sebastian on this one. Knowledge should be available to everyone, no matter how dark it is. It is only from the dark past that we can learn the most. But then again, Riley also has no idea what kind of books are in that section. It may be perfectly justified to be restricted for all she knows. 

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