Chapter 57 - Azkaban

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With O.W.L.s done, there is not much left for most of her classmates. Everyone seems to be enjoying outside, sitting by the lake, or going to Hogsmeade. But for Riley, it means she is running out of time. With every single day going by, Victor Rookwood is getting more and more insane in Azkaban. Luckily, Professor Sharp has arranged for Officer Singer to meet Riley at Hogsmeade to discuss her request.

Now she is standing at the entrance, chill running down her spine. There is a Patronus protecting her and Officer, but she can still feel the coldness. The misery. And hear occasional screams of terror. As she is standing at the gates of Azkaban with Officer Singer, lost in thought, she wonders what her next move will be. Can she find the strength to return to Hogwarts and face her memories, or will she take the easy way out and transfer to Durmstrang? The decision weighs heavily on her mind, and she knows she can't make it alone. But first, she needs to talk to him. The last remaining sliver of hope to help Anne lies within these cells. But will she be able to make him talk? Will her plan work?

"Try and make it as quick as possible, it is not a nice place to be. That is his cell," Offices Singer points at one of the cells and Riley is walking there, followed by Officer Singer's Patronus and Officer Singer, keeping a distance so Riley can talk to Rookwood freely. 

"Hello, Victor," Riley says and does not feel even a bit bad for him. He is sitting in the corner, shaking, with almost empty eyes and a blank expression on his face. Funny what a few weeks of Azakaban can do to you. Must be something very bad in his past haunting him this much.

"" His eyes go a bit wide and there is a definite anger in his voice. Not able to stand properly, he crawls to the bars and stares at Riley with the nastiest look.

"Yes, me. I came here to make a deal," Riley says quietly, so only Victor Rookwood can hear her.

"Go away you bast..." He starts to say in a hissed voice, but Riley interrupts him.

"Hey now, no need for that. I came here for mutual benefit. I can get you out of here, and we can deal with our issues outside instead," Riley sits on the floor and makes sure she is a good distance away so he cannot grab her, but close enough that he can hear her.

"What do you want," Rookwood hisses again and Riley smiles. This is going easier than expected.

"Information. All I need is one curse, and you are a free man," Riley says and there is a glint in his eyes.

"I don't trust you," He says and Riley nods.

"Understandable. Enjoy your time here. Life sentence, right?" Riley says and pretends to get ready to stand up, but as expected, Rookwood stops her.

"How," He says quietly and Riley rearranges herself. She needs to pick up the pace.

"You've seen what the ancient magic can do," Riley shrugs and starts playing with her fingers, giving him a bit of time, but it's not needed.

"We'll never make it," He says and Riley looks at him, directly in his eyes. 

"We don't have to. I blast you outside and we can see who can outlast another one. You kill me, what's the worst that can happen? You run away and if they catch you, you're back here with the satisfaction of me being gone. If I win, your misery is over and you'll be dead in a second. Get out, disapparate, duel. And all of that for one simple piece of information," Riley says not breaking eye contact.

"You are crazy," Rookwood laughs maniacally and Riley nods in agreement. 

"So are you," She adds and he laughs again.

"Get lost," Rookwood almost yells and Riley raises her eyebrows.

"Manners, Victor. This is not how deal is made," Riley hisses and it seems to aggravate Rookwood, which leads to Riley grinning at him.

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