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"Alright. If it all goes south, we talk to Sirona. We will be her aides. We will help her, maybe try and get some shop for ourselves in Hogsmeade. I have quite a nice Peverell fortune and Gaunts are loaded, everyone knows that" Riley says as she is pacing up and down in her house in Godric's Hollow, with Ominis by her side, visibly nervous and anxious as well.

"What is taking so long? Don't they have any express owls or anything to deliver the results? Do our names mean nothing anymore?" Ominis is matching Riley's pace, wand in front of him, guiding him.

"I'm afraid being Peverell and Gaunt has nothing to do with sending results early or sending special owls," Riley laughs and stares out of the window.

"I hope to get at least some O.W.L.s so I can continue," Ominis is still pacing up and down, while Riley is standing in front of the window, trying to telepathically speed up the owls delivering their results.

"Same, Ominis, same," Riley says under her breath and stops staring and starts pacing again.

"You will be fine. You will get all of them, probably top marks," Ominis says and stops next to the dining table and plump himself on the chair.

"They're here!" Riley yells and Ominis jumps out of the chair as Riley opens the window wide open. Two majestic owls drop the letters and with a swift U-turn, they are on their way back to, presumably, Ministry.

"Oh Merlin, please help, let this be good," Ominis is shaking as he's trying to open the envelope. Riley, on the other hand, forces the envelope open and quickly reads the letter, a smile forming on her face.

"Alright, alright, not bad at all. E from Astronomy is a bit of a surprise as I completely blanked, but seems like Amit's words were somehow glued to my mind and helped me. I was expecting D at the best there," Riley laughs and looks at Ominis and is relieved to see a smile on his face.

"I can still be an Auror if Sharp takes E instead of O," Ominis says as his wand is going up and down the parchment with grades.

"He will. He prefers O, but he said he admits E as well if there is potential. I'm sure he will admit you," Riley smiles and gives Ominis a hug and takes the parchment staring at his grades. Almost all Os with Es in Potions and Defence Against the Dark Arts and one A in Charms, which makes sense as Ominis' teddy bear exploded instead of doing a dance. Luckily, Professor Ronen is happy with everyone that passed, and A is a pass. When she notices O next to History of Magic, she feels very proud of herself as clearly, her efforts of helping Ominis almost on a daily basis by telling him stories from the History of Magic textbook helped.

"All Os with one E? Unbelievable," Ominis says when his wand goes through Riley's grades and gives her a pat on her shoulder, which earns him a nudge.

"This is so good, we can have most of the classes together," Riley hugs Ominis and does not let go.

"We will focus on our studies next year, and that's it. Anne will be in the fifth year, so no classes together to distract me and make me feel miserable, and Sebastian, well, we'll see," Ominis sighs and Riley smiles and hugs him tighter. As she's hugging him, she also gives a table a quick look. One letter with a poem for every day since the year ended. Sebastian is keeping his promise.

"Falling in love with Sallow can hurt. Trust me, I know." Riley says and they both laugh.


Thank you, everyone, so much for every single read, comment, and like. I really appreciate it and it makes me want to jump and smile every time I see a new like or comment.

Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the story.

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