Chapter 27 - Trouble in paradise

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"Hello everyone, so glad to see you. I hope you all had amazing Christmas. Sadly, we don't have much time for chitchat, as there are several Venomous Tentaculas that need tending to, so let's go straight into it! I will be assisting each of you, of course. Split into small groups, please," Professor Garlick's voice echoes through the classroom and Riley joins Sebastian and Ominis as Erin, Amit and Everett are working together.

"Great. Another vile plant," Ominis mutters and Riley grins.

"We only need to make sure it survives until the end of class, it's not that bad," Riley says and looks and Tentacula which is slowly moving its head towards Ominis. She slaps it with a gust of wind, so it retreats, and giggles.

"What are you giggling at?" Ominis says in a stern voice, which makes Riley giggle even more.

"I think it can feel you are scared of it," She replies and watches Tentacula again, with another attempt to sneak to Ominis.

"I am not scared of it. I merely disagree with its existence," Ominis says and tries to manage a dignified stance.

"I think that feeling is mutual, Ominis," Sebastian waves his wand and slaps Tentacula the same way Riley did before.

"You need to be gentle with plants to earn their trust, Mister Gaunt" Professor Garlick singsong as she walks past them.

"How is this even considered a magical education?" Ominis sounds very upset as he jumps away from Tentacula that tries to bite him. "If I could set it on fire..." He continues, but both Riley and Sebastian burst out laughing as Tentacula finally wins and nibbles on Ominis' shoulder.

"I think it fancies you," Riley smiles and turns around, noticing people around them are giggling, watching Ominis fight the Tentacula off of his shoulder.

"Gentle, Mister Gaunt. You need to be gentle," Professor Garlick runs to them and pats Tentacula on its head and it retreats.

"I will gently burn it the first chance I'm given..." Irritated, Ominis moves away from the plant and let Riley and Sebastian do the work.

"He can be pretty unpleasant when things are not going his way," Riley states in a matter-of-fact voice and Sebastian smiles in agreement.

"A bit of an understatement," He nudges her gently and Riley nudges him back, grinning. It feels so good to be herself around him and everyone else. She still remembers first class, Sebastian shyly looking at her, Leander trying to show her around, and everyone else just staring at her, intrigued to figure out their new classmate.

"Wonderful! Must run in the family!" Professor Garlick is excitedly clapping, watching one of the students masterfully pet Tentacula.

"Not in your one," Sebastian winks at Riley and she starts to laugh again. Ominis just shakes his head, deflecting Tentacula's head to the opposite side, where a group of Gryffindors are working.

"Double attack! No!" Garreth yells as he is being attacked by two Tentaculas now, one on his table, and another one deflected by Ominis.

"Do not hurt them, Mister Weasley!" Professor Garlick is running towards them again as Garreth cuts off a few bits and pieces.

"What about them hurting me? I am the one being attacked!" Garreth says in an annoyed voice, but Professor Garlick tends to the wounded Tentacula.

When the class is over, Ominis is still in a bad mood. Walking a few steps ahead of Riley and Sebastian, he seems more disgruntled than ever. Whispering something about fire, he slowly, but surely leaves them behind.

"I think I have discovered the location of the Relic," Sebastian says in a low voice, quickly checking there is no one around. "Care to join me?" He adds and stops in front of Riley, looking at her pleadingly.

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