Chapter 29 - Stubborn Hearts and Lovers' Quarrel

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When it's almost dinner time, Riley starts heading towards the Great Hall. She is eternally grateful to Deek for introducing her to the Room of Requirement and is determined to come back tomorrow, just to read something new. When she reaches the Great Hall, it is quite full and with a very brief scan of the room, she is heading towards the Ravenclaw table. None of her close friends is there, so she sits on her own, making sure her back is facing Slytherin's table. She smiles and waves to Garreth at Gryffindor's table who gives her a small wink.

"Finally! Where have you been? I've been trying to find you the whole day. You were not responding to anything!" Riley's blood starts to boil when she hears Sebastian. She was so ready to forget about the situation, but the tone of his voice is pushing it. Such arrogance in it. She's never heard that before. Not from him. He sounds almost like Headmaster Black. 

"Studying," Riley answers coldly, trying not to flip out. She will remain calm. She will not lose her patience. She will not be defined by her emotions. She is Ravenclaw. She's got this.

"Surely that could have waited," Sebastian snaps at her and Riley takes a deep breath. He is really testing her patience. But she will not stoop to his level. She is calm. She is collected. 

"No, it couldn't. Working on that ignorance of mine," She grinds her teeth as she speaks and does not look at Sebastian. "Should have started on fixing that attitude yourself," She adds and can hear Sebastian's irritated sigh.

"My attitude is just fine, thank you," He says impatiently and there are sniggers coming from Gryffindor's table.

"Ha! Good one, Sallow!" Garreth Weasley shouts at them and laughs. Daring to look at Sebastian, Riley notices he seems very on edge and his fists are clenched and white.

"Stay out of it, Weasley," Sebastian says and glares at him, but then turns his attention back to Riley. When he notices she is looking at him, his expression softens a bit. But only a bit. "The final round of Crossed Wands is in an hour. See you there," Sebastian drops his voice and leaves, leaving Riley sitting there.

"What in Merlin's name is happening between the two of you?" This voice is more friendly and Riley is glad to see that Ominis is now sitting next to her, his tone a bit worried.

"It's very obvious, isn't it?" Riley mutters and Ominis smirks, playing with his wand.

"All I know is you are being unreasonable and naive, but there are always two sides to a galleon. And knowing Sebastian, he probably did something idiotic and instead of admitting it, he stubbornly annoys everyone around him," Ominis says and the crumpet in Riley's hand is now pure crumbs. Taking another deep breath, she takes a piece of toast and stands up. There is no need to explain when she can just show him.

"Come with me," She whispers to Ominis who follows her. "No need for an audience," She adds and Ominis smiles in agreement. 

When they reach an empty corridor, Riley rummages in her back and gets the small Pensieve out. She got it in the Room of Requirement, the perfect size to carry with her, ideal for one person to use. Pouring the memory there, Riley is still trying to remain calm.

"See for yourself," Riley says to Ominis who waves his wand. "How does it even work with you?" She asks the questions she's been dying to ask. Now, when they are friends and also family, she feels better asking Ominis questions.

"Portable Pensieve? Good job getting that. They are extremely rare and valuable," Ominis says and takes a deep breath. "I am not sure myself, but when I am in the Pensieve, I can sense everything the way I do in normal life. The wand is helping me to figure out the shapes and surroundings. So I may be blind, but I can still see a bit. In my mind. Now let's see how bad it is," Ominis explains and uses the Pensieve.

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